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Well I was going to make jalapeno wine this morning. However I was having some problems last night that continued this morning. Vicki thought it was best to have them checked out so she brought me to the ER. It seems that my heart went into A-fib and they now have it under control. Doc said I have to stay overnight for tests tomorrow. So I'm bummed because I had the peppers cut up and ready to go.
Woa. A-fib is not something to mess around with. Undiagnosed (and untreated of course) A-fib took my best friend of 30 years at the age of 59. Got up one morning and had a massive stroke. He died 2 days later. He was the picture of health from the outside you would have never guessed it. You are sooooooo lucky to have had it diagnosed in time as it is so treatable.

Those peppers will still be there tomorrow.

Take care of yourself Rick!
Take care of yourself, Rick. I have a lot of friends who live with that condition. I'd like to add you to that list. Good luck!!
Damn ! ! ! ! !

By far the most viewed and responded..
Well what started as a simple question we have 102,000 people view this thread. I can't fathom what from a simple ? that we got all these responces as well.
It's kinda like our own soap opera :try.
Well I was going to make jalapeno wine this morning. However I was having some problems last night that continued this morning. Vicki thought it was best to have them checked out so she brought me to the ER. It seems that my heart went into A-fib and they now have it under control. Doc said I have to stay overnight for tests tomorrow. So I'm bummed because I had the peppers cut up and ready to go.

PEPPERS can be replaced YOU can't. Listen to the doctor. Offer him/her a bottle when U leave. :dg
Thanks everyone! I really don't want to stay here but they are keeping me overnight for tests tomorrow. However after seeing how cute most of the nurses are I don't mind as much. Lol!!!
Hurry up and get better this us what happens if you don't drink enough wine LoL
Drove down to Atoka Tn. yesterday long drive be down here all week visiting the kids would love to find some fresh fruit to take home with me next weekend
Take care Rick, I'll be thinkin of ya. And leave those nurses alone, for crying out loud!
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Take care Rick, I'll be thinkin of ya. And leave those nurses along, for crying out loud!

I think Julie meant to say " lead those nurses along" and Not "leave them along".

Just remember when that beauty wakes you up in the middle of the night and asks you if you'd like to pee it's not really a dream and she's not inviting you for the Skeeter either.
I think Julie meant to say " lead those nurses along" and Not "leave them along".

Just remember when that beauty wakes you up in the middle of the night and asks you if you'd like to pee it's not really a dream and she's not inviting you for the Skeeter either.

So far I've been 5 for 5 on nurses Dan. All cuties so I'm shocked that my heart rate is back down to nornal. Lol!!! Sooner or later I know I'm going to get one who could toss me across the room if need be so I have to be good.
Well we renewed our vows today in a catholic church as our marriage was never blessed which really meant a lot to her. Im not much of a church going person but Im not against it at all. Try to make the woman happy and life ill be that much better.