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Last night was our graduation from the trial period for Karate (white belt class). We will be moving up to the group classes next Tuesday and out first belt testing will be in May...Whooo Hooo...

Here's our daughter breaking a board. We will be signing up for a year to continue this activity when we go to class on Thursday.


Doug: that's really cool. Great family activity, and one that I'm going to look into once we get settled after our move.
Doug: that's really cool. Great family activity, and one that I'm going to look into once we get settled after our move.

Jim, It really is a great family activity. There are quite a few families at this school. Another one joined last night for the trial period. With all the busy schedules of parents and children today this is time that is definately set aside for "us".

I know I sure feel good when I leave there. It's a great work out and with out it I probably would not have changed my eating habits at work. Since starting this with the change of daytime diet, I'm down almost 13 lbs in the past 3 - 3 1/2 weeks.
Paperwork sent in to the PLCB and the TTB reset my password to upload my labels. Here goes nothing....
Racked the Skeeter Pee off the sparkaloid lees and back sweetened. Will likely filter and try to get into bottles this weekend. 11 Gallons should hold us over for summer. I'll start a batch of Cranberry Lime in the near future.
OK Elephant in the room time…….


Do you normally have to bottle your wine at the YMCA? Seems like it would be sweaty in there and people may not like to work around you hogging the benches with carboys and bottles all over the place… :>

Well today I labelled and capped all of yesterday's bottling.Not my type of wine, but our kids (adult age of course) like it and will be ready for summer.
OK Elephant in the room time…….


Do you normally have to bottle your wine at the YMCA? Seems like it would be sweaty in there and people may not like to work around you hogging the benches with carboys and bottles all over the place… :>

hahaha! They lift their weights, I lift mine.

That's our gym in the basement. Since I usually sit on the floor when capping and labelling I did it there because the mats on the floor made it easier on these old knees
I can't imagine the time it took to clean a 4000 sq.ft.home.

Good luck to all you movers! It can be exciting and a headache at the same time

Thanks, my wife is really looking forward to the downsizing....she has always been a "clean freak" when it comes to the house, and she can't wait.
We are back and forth between the two houses now, waiting for the big one to sell.
Doug, Seriously, 11 gallons of pee to last you through the summer??? You go through that in a weekend.

We will be taking delivery tomorrow of a closed winery's assets, including 9 seventy gallon flex tanks, filter/pump system, about 300 gallons of juice/young wine, bottles, capsules, corks, empty cases of bottles and the guts of a wine store. I'm thinking the basement may not be big enough.

And in the midst of all this, I have to teach a class in the morning before the inventory arrives, then I have been asked to do a wine tasting tomorrow evening for the local museum. And teach another class on Sunday.
Thanks, my wife is really looking forward to the downsizing....she has always been a "clean freak" when it comes to the house, and she can't wait.
We are back and forth between the two houses now

Doug,Cleaning has also be "my thing". And, connecting between 2 houses can be a brain twister. I'd get to one place and could swear I bought such and such and it was always in the other place lol. We moved permanently last May and are still settling in. Your wife will love the downsize when all is done I'm sure!

Hope everything happens soon for you!
Thanks, my wife is really looking forward to the downsizing....she has always been a "clean freak" when it comes to the house, and she can't wait.
We are back and forth between the two houses now, waiting for the big one to sell.

We are actually upszing and we still have too much cr@p! I sound like the proverbial broken record, repeatedly saying: "what the heck is this, and why do we even have it!!??" :gb
Last weekend we had family over for my grandsons first birthday. This weekend we are all sharing the cold, cough, and crud he started having on Monday. Good thing he is cute and lovable. Our it may have been my ex who said while leaving that she wasn't feeling well. I had big plans for this weekend that certainly aren't getting done.
We are almost down to the nitty gritty on the house now. Little Sis (realtor) was over yesterday taking pics for the listing and helping us stage the house a bit. Today is a little more work in the basement and garage. Tomorrow, mulch will be delivered and I'll get that spread and put the finishing touches on the yard tomorrow and Tuesday. We should be on the market by the end of the week. Phew! I'm beat, but felt much better after a short run yesterday. Jen and I enjoyed a badly needed night out with friends last night, and I greatly enjoyed taking a night off from my non-drinking lent and had a couple nice glasses of wine. Felt a little guilty about breaking the rules, but sometimes, that just has to be done. :D
Our Priest told us you can bend the Lenten rules on Sunday. I haven't researched it yet.
Heading to the Wine cellar to bottle a batch of Dragons Blood.
Then a Skeeter Pee if time permits.
I finished bottling the DD-DB. Skeeter Pee still needs a little more tweaking, so I will wait another week.
Busy weekend all around for me. Filtered and bottled the Diamond and Crabapple. Filtered the 2014 Pinot Grigio from Chilli and also filtered the Peach and Malvasia Bianca. Racked the Skeeter pee will filter and bottle that next weekend hopefully. Went and watched the belt testing at at the Karate place, help Bill move a winery into his cellar on Saturday and On Sunday I spent 5 lovely hours on a ladder helping my son get the house he is purchasing ready for the inspectors. Couldn't have any loose or flaking paint. Of course they wait until the week of the closing to tell him that. Closing was postponed and hopefully will happen this week...

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