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Getting out 50,000 christmas lights, 25 extension cords, 5 remote controls, to fuse panels,25 6 foot christmas trees, one 6-0 santa,
10 led present boxes, 200 each 2-0 candie canes , 4 giant bells,200yards of some green looking stuff...and a host of other things...
Time to plan out the decorations for this year..
Getting out 50,000 christmas lights, 25 extension cords, 5 remote controls, to fuse panels,25 6 foot christmas trees, one 6-0 santa,
10 led present boxes, 200 each 2-0 candie canes , 4 giant bells,200yards of some green looking stuff...and a host of other things...
Time to plan out the decorations for this year..

Before and After pictures or it didn't happen!
Getting out 50,000 christmas lights, 25 extension cords, 5 remote controls, to fuse panels,25 6 foot christmas trees, one 6-0 santa,
10 led present boxes, 200 each 2-0 candie canes , 4 giant bells,200yards of some green looking stuff...and a host of other things...
Time to plan out the decorations for this year..

Do you make your own snow also ? LOL. Bakervinyard
LOL...my mom and me and my sister did it for years, and after she died, my sister and I just keep doing it...Kinda bring backs memories..it just keeps getting bigger and bigger....
Getting out 50,000 christmas lights, 25 extension cords, 5 remote controls, to fuse panels,25 6 foot christmas trees, one 6-0 santa,
10 led present boxes, 200 each 2-0 candie canes , 4 giant bells,200yards of some green looking stuff...and a host of other things...
Time to plan out the decorations for this year..

James for someone that does this much decorating, I find it hard to believe you don't have music sat up to peoples radio stations as they drive by. That seems to be the big thing now a days.
You know..I did some huge christmas things with leds, comptuer , etc up in houston, but it just cost so much...
You got to have all kinds of software,hardware,modules,sound control board, etc.
Getting out 50,000 christmas lights, 25 extension cords, 5 remote controls, to fuse panels,25 6 foot christmas trees, one 6-0 santa,
10 led present boxes, 200 each 2-0 candie canes , 4 giant bells,200yards of some green looking stuff...and a host of other things...
Time to plan out the decorations for this year..

Wow!!! I am jealous and a little scared at the same time. I like to think I have christmas spirit... But so far nothing to that degree. Must see pictures!
James for someone that does this much decorating, I find it hard to believe you don't have music sat up to peoples radio stations as they drive by. That seems to be the big thing now a days.

For anyone who remembers Carson Williams, the guy who made the lights to music really popular a few years ago with his "TSO Wizards of Winter". here's the link to the company who sells the controllers and lights to do it yourself.
Some really cool videos posted on these other sites as well.

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racked the Catawba out of buckets and into the demijohn with enough left over to fill another 1 gallon glass jug. Did some bench testing on the Candy Cane wine. Taking Runningwolf's recommendation, I did a 1:1 Candy Cane and Thompson Seedless blend and backsweetened to 1.020. The official taste tester gave a big thumbs up and we will blend and bottle for Christmas.
Getting out 50,000 christmas lights, 25 extension cords, 5 remote controls, to fuse panels,25 6 foot christmas trees, one 6-0 santa,
10 led present boxes, 200 each 2-0 candie canes , 4 giant bells,200yards of some green looking stuff...and a host of other things...
Time to plan out the decorations for this year..

Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. 50k lights?? YIKES! I thought I over-did it but darlin, you get the Clark Griswold award for sure. :) You HAVE to post some pics when your done.

This is my last years project. I did 2 full size (5-6 ft) dolphins made out of tomato cages, chicken wire and mesh fabric. They were timed to music and synchronized lights on my trees. It was an inexpensive box that controls 8 devices and music is pre-programmed. I can't tell you how many times either the breaker blew or the fuse in the music/light box. I really need to switch to LEDs but that's a lot of :mny


On the left is the skeleton in the works and the right is in the yard. They were suspended by wires in the trees to make them look like they were jumping.
Yea I agree, I also need to switch to leds....You can use fewer lights becuase there brighter...and you have lots of computerized options and controllers.
Im looking at some sites now....there is one iplace n chicago that has the best. but I am having trouble finding it.
Trying to figure out what I need to buy to try my hand at making my first batch of beer. Hmmmmm.....

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