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Thanks for the kind words...it really was crappy to be able to do Halloween, it is one of our favorite holidays, I usually put on a fairly amazing yard haunt that kids and parents come to see and be scared in droves...lol
We always set up between 10 am ish Halloween day and take everything down, totally put away by 9pm, you should see the amount of people that come back the following day to show friends, only to look bewildered...lol
I've made a ton of props, from simple pirate skeletons to fully "corpsed" skeletons and skulls...lmao!
Even though it was raining, our neighborhood was over run with kids, most of the adults were disappointed that we didn't set up..lol
Maybe I'll post a few pics.
Well had to put the monkey suit on. Atleast my crap kicking boots pass off well as dress shoes.
Yep, wedding. There is some homemade wine on the table. The white it a touch to sweet for me and I don't really tangle with reds. Lost too many battles over the years lol
I went to a vineyard yesterday for a class on making wine. I asked if they had any bronze scuppernongs left. They had a freeze last week but they said if you look for grapes that were low on the vine there may be enough for me.

I went out and picked a bunch of shriveled up grapes that are waaaay tasty and sweet.

I am going to crush and make a couple of gallons to mix with a 5 gallons of scuppernong and white grape/peach concentrate blend I over sweetened this week. Should be pretty good in a few months.
Freezing my arse off!!!!!! Temps went from 65° yesterday to 37° this morning!!! Just turned the heat on.... Still trying to push through the tail end of this cold...it has been one hell of a cold, I can't remember feeling this bad for more than a week for a long time.
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At least your still above freezing. It's -1 right now. In a month or so it will be in the -20 range + windchill.
pumpkin man , any time you need to escape from the cold, come on down to the coast, was 57 this morning, and suppose to be 66 today.
pumpkin man , any time you need to escape from the cold, come on down to the coast, was 57 this morning, and suppose to be 66 today.

I was thinking the same thing James when I read them talking about the cold. A few of these folks sound like good candidates as "Winter Texans". We get them by the thousands down here Nov through Feb. They come in RV's, 5th wheels and many have their camper homes permanently stationed here. It would be a great time to just let your wine sit in your home cellar and age, while you in the sun and age or :fsh.
Not to mention the belt- sander racing. That seems to be a pretty serious competition here. :)
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MLF in full swing in my MN 1200. But there are a lot of sediments and gross lees. Racking it off into a clean carboy and adding some oak spirals.
having some ruby port (my own) have a prime rib roast in the oven, and going dumpster diving for bottles ..had bunch but i did not like the fat ones, so i canned them...now i need more to bottle this weeks batches that cleared....ho hum....later, watching the texas get there butts beat..I hope/
hey...anytime you want to come..i have a 500 square foot studio for guest.
its yours...free...has everything and about 1000 foot to the beach.
has internet, 50 inch big screen...i keep it for friends and quest..anytime you want it,, just let me know...
Is that offer open to everyone? I kid, I kid. Maybe. Sounds nicer than my house.

But than again there is nowhere like the family farm. With any luck ill buy my own farm and build my own house in the next 10-15 years. I have my eye on some property but sadly the man who owns it has already made it clear that he's not going to sell so it will be his kids choice after he passes.

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