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Packing for tomorow. I get to go home and make Skeeter Pee with my elderberry wine cake......I mean I get to go home and see my wife(7 months prego) son and dog:D and then worry about wine and such;)
Speaking of, I received my (2) 23L Amazon Carboys today. Ordered on Saturday arrived today. $25 each, no tax and free Prime shipping with the subscription (that I already cancelled).

They were not only double boxed but they also completely wrapped the carboy from head to toe in bubble wrap and then threw in extra padding on top and bottom. Also lot of big stickers FRAGILE-GLASS on them.

Both arrived in perfect shape.

Its the exact same Italian Carboy with the ribs from any LHBS these days for ~$20 less each. Plus I didn't have to drive 70 miles RT to get it.

Gotta love the Amazon! :sm

I ordered two 6 gallon Italian Carboys. :D
Speaking of, I received my (2) 23L Amazon Carboys today. Ordered on Saturday arrived today. $25 each, no tax and free Prime shipping with the subscription (that I already cancelled).

They were not only double boxed but they also completely wrapped the carboy from head to toe in bubble wrap and then threw in extra padding on top and bottom. Also lot of big stickers FRAGILE-GLASS on them.

Both arrived in perfect shape.

Its the exact same Italian Carboy with the ribs from any LHBS these days for ~$20 less each. Plus I didn't have to drive 70 miles RT to get it.

Gotta love the Amazon! :sm

I noticed last week that they had started selling them again! They had stopped in July.
Just got done grabbing my generator back from my parents as they git theor power back finally. Then mowed my lawn and am pretty tired and sore.
Speaking of, I received my (2) 23L Amazon Carboys today. Ordered on Saturday arrived today. $25 each, no tax and free Prime shipping with the subscription (that I already cancelled).

They were not only double boxed but they also completely wrapped the carboy from head to toe in bubble wrap and then threw in extra padding on top and bottom. Also lot of big stickers FRAGILE-GLASS on them.

Both arrived in perfect shape.

Its the exact same Italian Carboy with the ribs from any LHBS these days for ~$20 less each. Plus I didn't have to drive 70 miles RT to get it.

Gotta love the Amazon! :sm

That's the ones I got, Mike. I didn't subscribe, so mine were 30 each, but I still got them less than anywhere else I looked.
Just had to finish school shopping for my daughter. The things these schools demand nowadays are just out of control! She had about 1/2 of her supplies already and we went to Walmart and it still costed $70!!!!! Plus I have another kid, all in all it must have costed almost $160!!!!! When I went to school I needed 1 notebook, she needed 4 big notebooks and shes only in 8th grade. Freaking ridiculous!

You only needed 1 notebook Wade since you didn't take notes anyway! :slp

Face it man, you are as old as dirt in their eyes! It happens to all of us. Just yesterday I was looking at a few freckles on my arms and I said, wait a minute, I don't get freckles, those are freakin age spots. I guess I caught "oldtimers disease" somewhere along the line.
Originally Posted by ibglowin
Speaking of, I received my (2) 23L Amazon Carboys today. Ordered on Saturday arrived today. $25 each, no tax and free Prime shipping with the subscription (that I already cancelled).

Ma perché, Michele, per pochi pezzi d'argento? :?

I ordered two 6 gallon carboys from Amazon and paid $30 each and now I don't have to go to Confession. :)
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I did nothing wrong, nothing to confess! It says you can get them for $25 each if you subscribe and you can cancel at anytime!
Hopefully NOT spending September 1st like last year by getting rear ended while attempting to make a right turn on red riding my motorcycle. Today I think I'll drive the truck.
You only needed 1 notebook Wade since you didn't take notes anyway! :slp

Face it man, you are as old as dirt in their eyes! It happens to all of us. Just yesterday I was looking at a few freckles on my arms and I said, wait a minute, I don't get freckles, those are freakin age spots. I guess I caught "oldtimers disease" somewhere along the line.

Think positive about those age spots, grapeman. Now, when you get bored, you can get a ball point pen and connect the dots! :)
I got there at 9 am and they were pretty much set up to go. Then one other person and myself bottled and restacked the 150 cases, We finished and got cleaned up right at 4pm. I think Wade is blowing smoke about floor corkers, I think I need a new electric corker, wow are they cool!

Rick I hope you caught the woman who hit you and took advantage of her!

Actually none of that happened as far as taking advantage. She did happen to stop and proceed to immediately get out of her car while me and the bike are spread across tow lanes of a state highway and tell me, "this is NOT how I wanted to spend my 28th birthday".
Thankfully the cars doing 50+ MPH were able to stop and not take me out the rest of the way. :<
Packin' up for a week-long vacation to Topsail NC. Hopefully, Katia will stay away for awhile. Taking some of Dan, Julie and Al's wine for our drinking pleasure. :b
Actually none of that happened as far as taking advantage. She did happen to stop and proceed to immediately get out of her car while me and the bike are spread across tow lanes of a state highway and tell me, "this is NOT how I wanted to spend my 28th birthday".
Thankfully the cars doing 50+ MPH were able to stop and not take me out the rest of the way. :<

lol, read your post on fb this morning, makes a whole lot of sense after reading this. You do realize that there are people out there that the world evolves around them? :< What a freakin cruel statement to make, I hope she got a hefty fine out of this.
I agree with you Julie. By the FB post I actually thought maybe his wife just bumped into him and thats why I said what I did. Rick, maybe you should send her a birthday card with a picture of the accident and ask her how her day is going this year. Either way glad to have you here with us today.
THAT isn't bottling... THAT is standing around going...

"oooohhhhh aaaaaaahhhhh"


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