What do you do while you're waiting?

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xanxer82 said:
MaineGal said:
lol....the waiting is the hardest part of winemaking! I've found I've been able to utilize much of my time cleaning the recycled bottles that I am collecting.

Other than that, I'm on this forum reading as much as I can!

Finding the motivation to scrub off those labels is a challenge sometimes.
I'm in the process of that currently. Have a sauvignon blanc to bottle up.

cleaning recycled and removing the labels are a piece of cake compared to removing all those dang shrink caps I sliced my thumb and 4finger pretty good last week and try the hard lemonade recipe I got a 5 gal bucket brewing away.
b/t the malt and yeast thesmell is wonderful! And I can't seem to get enough of this forum! It's what turned me on to this addiction in the first place
appleman said:
Mamaj you could do like I am doing while waiting for the carboys to finish up. I need to finish up this years pruning of 3 acres or 2000 grape vines. Then training, tying, summer pruning and pest control. In between that, I'm building my winery for a small farm winery. Then when fall gets here I can pick the grapes, crush and destem them, ferment and press and start the cycle all over again. Oh and I forgot, bottle last years wine!

Wow! You have plenty to keep you busy... I won't ever complain about having so much time to wait...