Welches Rocket Fuel

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May 10, 2010
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I started a batch of Welches concord grape concentrate based on this recipe :http://www.winemakingtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3515

I ended up with about 4 gallons. I tested the SG and used Winecalc to figure out how much sugar to add (2 1/4 lbs). I pulled some must out, put it in a pan, added sugar to that and heated it up. I let it cool a little, then added it back to the must. SG was 1.086. Pitched yeast after the must cooled down.

This morning - it's all nice and foamy. Checked the SG - it was 1.092!!! :slp

What did I do wrong? :? Somehow I added too much sugar, but I'm not quite sure how I went wrong. I figure this won't be all that bad, but I'd like to not make the same mistake in the future.


I'm thinking I might have messed up with my original SG before adding sugar - I don't have it written down anywhere. After checking the recipe, I don't see that it specifies adding sugar. Maybe I wasn't suppose to? :?
Couple of things.

1) You could have misread your original reading
2) You say its all foamy. Perhaps the fermentation/CO2 is causing a misread in the Hygrometer (CO2 gas is actually lifting it up a bit)
3) All your sugar was not dissolved when you took your first reading causing it to read artificially low until it was all dissolved.
I'm wondering if my original reading (before sugar addition) was off. I'm thinking maybe I didn't stir the concentrate enough?

This morning, I did stir it before taking the SG reading. Would the fermentation/CO2 cause it to be off that much?
I find it very hard to get an accurate reading once the must is all fizzy and foamy. As ibglowin states, the co2 bubbles cling to the hydrometer and lift it. Try putting it in the must and giving it a spin before trying to read it. It will cause most of the bubles to release and you can get a more accurate reading, if your quick. Actually its not that important to check sg every day in the very beginning, as long as you can see active fermentation "foam, bubbles, fizzing" for the first few days, check the gravity when you see it begin to slow. Then take you reading "spin hydrometer". If its below 1.010, go ahead and rack into your secondary. I started my welches at 1.100:slp from a recipe on a different site. I had a abv of 14.7 at the end. Too high. I sweetened and topped up with a few ounces of water per gallon and it came out fine. Trust you first reading, and your last. Those are the important ones. I will now only check if I think it has stalled, or is needing transferred to the secondary. You should be fine.
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I did another SG - this time I pulled some out with my wine thief and put in the plastic hydrometer jar thingy. I shook it to get rid of some of the CO2. That SG was about 1.082. And just for comparison, I rechecked directly in the must. It was 1.092!:d

WOW! I had no idea the CO2 would throw it off that much! Never had that happen before (not that I've been making wine that long).

I'm guessing my 1.086 reading after adding sugar wasn't too far off then. (I'm hoping for some happy yeasties to use for skeeter pee.) :ib

Thank-you everyone! :hug :dg
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Number 4, you had undissolved sugars. If you dont want it that strong go buy some grape juice that isn't concentrated and add it. You could just add water and then F-Pac it when its finished as well
:u This has been fermenting pretty fast! I've never had a batch hold the CO2 like this one! (Not that I've done all that many batches.) SG was about 1.010 ish, so I racked it this morning. Saved a fair amount to add to my skeeter pee later today!:dg
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:u This has been fermenting pretty fast! I've never had a batch hold the CO2 like this one! (Not that I've done all that many batches.) SG was about 1.10 ish, so I racked it this morning. Saved a fair amount to add to my skeeter pee later today!:dg

1.10 is more than you started with; you must mean 1.010.

Hey, if you started at 1.092, I don't see that as a problem. It will still be great!
:u Racked yesterday, added k-meta and sorbate. Ack, doesn't tasted so good dry. Sweetened a sample. Should be a decent everyday drinking wine. Will sweeten next weekend. :ib