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Senior Member
Apr 20, 2007
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My husband and I have a friend that also makes wine from kits. He doesn't use the bentonite or the potassium sorbate. Is there any benefit to this, or is he a bit misguided? I always use everything, assuming its there for a good reason. Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated.
The Bentonite will aid in clearing. The Sorbate will aid in preventing re fermentation and is also a preservative and protects against yeast, mold and bacteria so using it is a good thing. Some people dont use it thinking that it only aids in stopping re fermentation and since their wine is dry dont need it but they are misguided. Although if they are consuming it within a year then they might not need it.
The Bentonite can be skipped in many cases, but it does actually help with the fermentation by providing a nucleation site for the yeast to multiply. It does aid in helping the yeast to flocculate (clump up and fall) when they are done eating the sugars as well. That is a HUGE benefit to aid in clearing. However, there are other schools of thought that bentonite should only be used in whites as it strips color. That might be true with fresh juice, but I don't think it applies to kits, which are quite far from natural juice. So like Wade, I think your friend is misguided and trying to apply wine/grape technology to kits.
Thanks for the responses. We as well think he is misguided in not adding these ingredients. I do believe you are right Dean, in that he has applied wine technology to kits. Thanks again.