WineXpert WE Okanagan Peach Icewine

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Jul 8, 2011
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Does anyone have any experience with this one? I picked up one last weekend. It sure did smell nice...
I agree it is delish but mine had a hard time clearing using the fining agent supplied, I added some SuperKleer and even then it took awhile to clear.
i have been waiting on mine to clarify with the give clarifier and it has not been going well. I plan on racking back over and applying super kleer as well. glad to hear i was not the only one. my lhbs guy is having the same issue
update... It has been a month since I started. The wine is crystal clear and I will probably begin to bottle age in about a week. I guess I was lucky, mine was able to clear nicely with the clearing stuff in the pack. Thanks for everyones help and I look forward to trying this batch...

I've got a suggestion for you. If you don't need the carboy you presently have the wine stored in, I'd leave it there for another month or so. Even though it appears clear, there may be more sediment held in suspension. Are you planning to filter it? I'd hate to see you have the sediment drop out after you have bottled it. Again, just my opinion and you know what they say about them. Good Luck!! :b
I don't bottle any wines either from kits, buckets, fresh juice or whatever is used until they spend at least 6 months in a glass carboy. You will be greatly rewarded the longer you wait. Guess thats why we have to always have to be starting something new, bottling the old when starting the new.

I agree, always let em sit longer as even the clearest wine will drop out very fine sediment. Glad yours had no problem clearing.

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