RJ Spagnols washington merlot w/ skins

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Senior Member
Apr 1, 2011
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I am looking for a nice merlot and was thinking about this kit. Does anyone have experience with this kit?
I am looking for a kit with a little more mouth feel than the RJS VdV kits I have going now.
I would like to buy tonight to take advantage of sale
I have this kit bulk aging since the end of January. Since it was my first kit, I wanted to get a good one. Even though it's still very young, I have a feeling it's going to be great in a couple of years. (If I can wait). LOL
I have not made that kit but all of the Winery Series will not disappoint!
You can't go wrong with WA state juice or the winery series from RJS!
Thanks guys
this is the kit then.Ill have to call tomorrow. I cant order on line for some reason.
Im interested in why so many people seem to order wine kits
online ?? Looking at the various sites, it seems very expensive ?Are they just not a lot of brewing places to
buy from ? Im in a small town in rural ontario, canada pop 7000 and we have a store, and there are stores in neighbouring small towns, within 15 miles that also have stores. I also pass many stores on my travels for work and have them all in my GPS. Are these stores simply more popular in Canada than in the USA ??
I pay
RJ Spagnols
cru select$80
Winery series $90
Grand cru $60
vino del vida $50
no taxes because its mostly juice
And no shipping because there are stores everywhere
to pickup in person
Its not rocket science!

You have home brew stores on every street corner in Canada due to the outrageous taxes you have to pay for alcohol so everyone wants to make their own and save $$$. We don't have taxes like you do and thus home brew shops are few and far between. The best one in my area is a 200 mile round trip and he only carries WineExpert. Many of us prefer Cellar Craft, RJ Spagnols or Mosti Mondial over WineExpert.

The volume of scale that FVW sells in kits allows for a better price and selection than any small local home brew store. This pretty much offsets the cost of shipping and you get a higher quality (and much fresher) product than the local store with no selection and who more than likely has a kit that's been sitting on his shelves or 12-18 months....

Welcome to the FVW forums!
Well its about time folks in Canada got a better deal on something than those in the USA, I think we pay more for EVERYTHING ELSE!They used to blame it on the low Cdn Dollar, but now its at par or better, we still get reamed.
The kits are almost all made their so we have to pay the trucking also!!!