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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I think I already know the answer to this, but just want to confirm:

Is it ok if some extra time passes beween transfer to secondary and stabalization? I have a WV Cal. Trinity Red going and its been 18 days since transfer to secondary. Time has just not allowed me to stabalize and degas. And I probably won't get to it until after the weekend, as we have family in town for the holiday weekend.

I know it's ok to let some extra time pass, but wasn't sure if there is a limit. I know I'll need the few weeks after the finings are added before I can rack for bulk aging. I guess my only concern is how long is too long for the wine to be in contact with the lees?
You will be OK to wait until after the weekend. Another week or two wouldn't hurt(I'm too often guilty of having to wait). If left for too long it can take on more of the taste of the yeasts in the lees, but it doesn't hurt a lot. Just transfer first chance you get(in a reasonable time) and you will be fine.
It will be fine and you will see that this batch should be very easy to degas since much of the CO2 has come out of solution on it's own over the extended time.

I have extended the time like this many times without any issues.
Great, thanks guys. Have a nice weekend!

I may crack a few bottles open for the holiday. Aussie Shiraz has been in the bottle 2 months now...maybe time to try a bottle! My VR Merlot is 8 months old, but I only have 6 bottles left
Maybe we'll have one and save the last five for the one year mark!
How exciting! You actually got a batch aged in the bottle and will get to try it for a holiday!
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