Varieties for next year

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Bonnie Joy,
Welcome to the forum. Are you making wines yet or just beginning? Fill us in and there is lot's of help here if you need it.

I have been sharing some details, pictures etc of my vines so far. Check out the link below.

I may end up trying to get some Marquette from NE Vine Supply. I could drive there to pick them up. I may wait until next year when they get more common and easier to get. I already have 100 vines and 100 cuttings coming this spring. If I can make it to help prune, I may get a few cuttings this spring.

You are right, I am in a cooler area of Zone 5 or warmer side of zone 4- depends on if these warming winters keep up. At the rate it's going we may be in zone 6 in a few years.
Edited by: appleman
We had temperatures much above average for most of our winter...barely any snow....and the past few nights have been -27*F...and tonight they are now saying -25*F to -30*F...then a slight warming trend....

I am just hoping my grapes make it...the tender ones are laying down...mulched with straw and the snow has settled on the straw....hope it works.

I am also worried about my roses...and other things....A few years ago we didn't get much snow and had some brutally cold windchills....the raspberries froze to the snow hasn't been that cold yet!!!

There is nothing we can do about the plants at this time...just hope for the best...

Edited by: Northern Winos
Hi Appleman - I'm a newbie to winemaking, but, totally hooked. My first batch was produced from a Winexpert kit in August 2006. From thereI moved onto making from juices , fresh grapes, & honey.

I checked out your link. Looks like Michigan soil to me. Your vines should grow well in it. Wow, 3 hours to set posts. What a time saving method.

I do have a question. I live in a Villaminium with a nice sized lot - but many restrictions. I must be mindful of my neighbors and not obstruct their views. That said, I wonder if it would be hazardous (both summer heat & winter's cold) to my vines to position the trellis fruiting wire closer to the ground than the recommended 28 - 36"? I'm thinking ofproducing shorter trunks so upward growth area can also be reduced on my VSP system. I'd like to limit overall height to 4 - 5' also because I'm of smaller stature and this would be easier for me to maintain.

Any feedback is welcome.
Bonnie Joy I don't think I would go any lower to the ground than the minimum 28". I see no real problems with keeping the top positioning wire down just a bit to about 52" or so. You probably don't want the bottom wire too low so the fruit is too close to the ground where the humidity is higher. It sounds like you have been doing your research for variety selection, training, etc.

One thing I wonder about is who is responsible for grounds maintenance- is there a groundskeeper or do the tennants/owners maintain the yards? It would be easier for you if there is a groundskeeper because you could see if he uses 2-4D or not. If that is used for weed control it will certainly cause you headaches. If everyone does there own yardwork, chances are good somebody will use it and harm your grapes. It can damage vines thousands of feet away from the application.

Good luck with the vines. Once you get them going, start your own post and put some pictures in it so we can all share from you experiences.
Thanks for your advice Appleman. I'll set my fruiting wire at 28".

Yes, my Villa Association has a common grounds keeper. They do all the mowing & front yard landscape maintenance as well as the fertilization/pest control applications. We are free to install side & back yard landscaping as long as it's done in such a way as to not impede mowing. I made it known to the association before moving in that my preference was for edible landscaping. Little did they know just how serious I was

I'll snap photosto post my little vineyard's progress.

I appreciate your feedback.