Using Lemon and Orange Peels for Dandelion Wine

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Senior Member
Jun 7, 2012
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When using the peeling, am I suppose to peel the lemon and oranges a specific way or can I just peel them as if I were to eat and throw the peelings in the steeped flowers and boil? The recipe I am using only calls to boil them for an hour and then strain everything off. After that I add the juices from the lemon and oranges along with everything else to the tea and ferment. I was thinking about running them through a juicer and dump that juice in. Anyone see a problem with that. Thanks.
In my dandelion wines I grate the peel, try not to get any of the white pith in the mix. Dandelions are naturally bitter tasting, u don't want any of the pith because it would magnify the bitterness beyond drinkable levels
so as thin as a layer as I can get right? just the yellow and orange material?
I use a potato peeler on the citrus. Then I flip them over, and with a sharp knife, I remove any pith as I would if I were filleting a fish.
If you want to save yourself some work and get a good lemon or orange background flavor, consider lemon and orange extracts. A couple of drops of these extracts makes a lot of difference. I make my own by adding shaved lemon or orange rind to Vodka and letting it sit for a month or so.
Yes only the orange and yellow material. I also like to throw in dried dates to the recipe to add some body to the brew