use instructions from recipe or container...?

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Apr 26, 2014
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I'm doing a lot of country wines, usually choosing a recipe that matches the amount of fruit I have.

When it comes to ingredients such as tannin I always feel puzzled. Quite often the recipe will say 1/4 tsp but the 'Youngs' make that I use clearly tells me to use 1 tsp per gallon. So who do I listen to, the product manufacturer or the recipe author?

This is the same dilemma with the yeast, stabiliser etc. but I usually stick to the manufacturers recommendations for that.
I'd go with the recipe for tannin, bentonite, and the likes because the don't really affect the production, mostly the final taste/feel. However, like you said, yeast, energizer, nutrients, stabilizer, enzymes, etc that affect production, I thrust the manufacturer's recommendations. Just how I do it and so far everything turned out right.
Tannin adds pucker to your wines. Start on the low side, you can always add it later. It can be removed via egg whites if you over compensate.

Yeast. 1 packet per 6-12 gallons. It can handle more but will take longer to ferment.

Bentonite- follow directions based upon your gallons.

Sparkolloid-1 teaspoon per gallon along with 2 ounces per gallon. Add a little extra water to compensate for evaporation during simmering.

Yeast Nutrient-1 teaspoon per gallon either all up front or half after a few days in. I've done both, saw no difference.

Yeast Energizer-1 teaspoon per 6 gallons one gravity reaches 1.000 or lower.

Pectic Enzyme-Dry follow label directions. Liquid add 3-4 drops per gallon. I add 21 drops per 6 gallon of juice 12-24 hours before pitching yeast.

Juices can be different. Always try to get juice from fully grown fruits. Adjust acid/ph upon your tastes. Start off with small increments first.

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