Two kits going... one fermenting well the other.... not so

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Feb 21, 2012
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So I started to kits the other day. One is a chardonnay and the other a Cabernet Sauvignon. The latter is fermenting like crazy and is at 1.01 after only 4 days and I am not worried about this one. The former how ever is just under 1.07 after the same period. Obviously a slow fermentation. I should note that one mistake I made with the white is that I used tap water with it and only realized that this was a problem afterwards. I started the red right after it and used purified water. So here is my question: can I just continue to let the white ferment for another week to see what happens or is this a lost cause at this point? Thanks
I would say as long as it's fermenting you're ok. Warmer temp's will speed it up but with a white - slower is better.

Give it a stir to get some oxygen in there - it may help dissipate any remaining chlorine from the tap water (if you're on city water that is).

Watch the s.g. to verify fermentation is still going on.

Did the kits contain different yeast strains? That could also account for the different pace of each kit.

Good luck!
I am using the same yeast in each. The fermentation process is way way slower on the white
Re the use of chlorinated water, it is my understanding from what I have read that the chloride molecules bind instantly with sulphites when adding the water to the must - since grapes naturally contain some sulphites we don't have to worry about using chlorinated water when making wine.
As I say, this is what I have read and chemistry was never my strength so I may be corrected by others on this - perhaps some of our members with a chemical background can verify or clarify this.
Regarding chlorinated, or softened water - I've used softened water, hard city water, and bottled water... all with no discernible ill effect. Of course, I'm not sure if I would even be able to tell the difference.