Transplanting Concords

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Jun 16, 2012
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Any idea when and if I can transplant some Concord plants. I planted 50 Concords last May and I have about ten that I'd like to move. I'm in central Illinois where the temperature yesterday was 56 and today it's 27. Do I need it to be warmer to transplant and how big of a hole should I dig, or should I remove the dirt and replant them with bare roots? I guess the other question that I'm kicking around is, is it even worth messing with? They cost $3 each at a local nursery. Last year was a cool, humid, rainy, wet summer and they did not grow too well at all. At best, some might be a foot tall.
A rough guess from me would probably be April in a normal year. I understand that you have had some great warm weather this year, but spring isn't quite here yet. If the warm weather stays and the buds swell, then you could go ahead and move them. The larger the root ball you can get, the better they will move. Don't forget to trim the top back to balance what you lose in the roots.