Tornado Touch down.

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Mar 1, 2009
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The tornado touched down about a mile down the road from me and then we got the warnings about 45 minutes ago. First thing my wife says is "if we have to go to the basement there better be a cork opener down there". Hopefully we're out of danger now as it touched down here then headed east.
No Damage here. It's still bouncing around as it's heading east. Following it with sky warn guys on facebook. Hopefully it'll fizzle out before any real damage.
well now that we know the danger is past you, I have to ask, Is there a corkscrew in your emergency kit??
AHHHHH.... it can't be that bad if Dan still has power, internet and his sense of humor. SAVE THE WINE!!!
Cork screws and very long tubing that will replace the an air lock very easily. No sense opening bottles when you can drink straight from the source.I could even hook up a manifold so several people can drink from the same carboy at the same time.
Glad your ok Dan, just saw on the news and had to come on here to see if your ok!
Glad to hear all is OK there Dan. Only went through that once and like you it was about 1 mile away in Middle bury several years ago.
Dan, glad to hear all is well. We have had a couple of rounds of bad weather here too! I guess when you live in the midwest you come to expect it. It still doesn't make them any easier to sit through. We had golf ball size hail less than 10 miles from us, but we were lucky enough to miss that storm.

We always have a storm kit stored in the basement (corker, glasses, recliner, "radio" to set the mood etc. ) LOL!!! but haven't heard any sirens yet!!!

Sounds like this afternoon we will be in for another round. Come on out and sit in a fire truck with me. We go out spotting them, somebody has to make the decision to sound the sirens. Havn't seen but a couple of them in the last 30 plus years. That is plenty for the next thirty also. We will see, maybe get some more rain, bring up the nightcrawlers and fishing this weekend. Everybody stay safe, Arne.
It is good to know you and the family are well. What is up with the tornadoes this year? Is it worse or just more media hype?

Sounds like your wife has her priorities straight, LOL, mine would have said same. :)
Good to hear you are ok Dan.

Here in the midwest this time of year - every time we get thunderstorms there is a chance of a Tornado - guess that's why they call it Tornado Alley...

I have had several very close calls - be careful and be safe out there. Don't under estimate the power of a Tornado...
OK Dan, but my question is left unanswered: WAS there a corkscrew down there? :h

That seems to be a survival tool of the highest order. I had better get one in my root cellar, too!
Cork screws and very long tubing that will replace the an air lock very easily. No sense opening bottles when you can drink straight from the source.I could even hook up a manifold so several people can drink from the same carboy at the same time.

Gota love it.
I think I found a photo of Dan's emergency primary bucket :)

it might be better if those nipples were in a carboy instead of the bucket, I like mine with less yeast!