Too much must!

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Senior Member
Jul 26, 2011
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Ok I took my strawberry must out of the primary tonight, being burnt in the past by not having enough must I increased everything by 1/4. The end result an extra 1/2 gallon of must, I so do no want to waste this, I mean it is tasting good, looks good, and smells. . . ok it is must it smells like a giant ball of yeast. but I think the fermentation is going well. What do I do. I don't wanna waste this. I have racked it out of the primary into 2, 1-gallon carboys (it was a 1 gallon batch) now I know as I rack, I am going to lose wine, what can I do to keep the extra as a top off.

Please don't tell me to toss it, thought I will if it is the consensus, it just seems to be going so well.

Any advice is welcome.
I try to make a little extra too. That way when you rack you have plenty to top off with and you don't feel so bad about testing, sampling, etc.

I bought some 1/2 gallon apple juices from Sun Harvest that came in glass containers. I use those for racking extra into. They take the same bung as a gallon jug.

You'll find that having extra little containers like this will be very handy.
use a 1.5 liter wine bottle - put an airlock on it - it will be perfect for topping off with in future rackings.
I have the containers, that is not the prob, the problem is that the 1 gal is only 1/2 full and I am worried about the headspace.
I have the containers, that is not the prob, the problem is that the 1 gal is only 1/2 full and I am worried about the headspace.

That is why i suggested using the 1.5L bottle. Transfer the 1/2 gallon to the 1.5L bottles and put an airlock on it.
Thank you! both are happily fermenting away my 1 gal and the 1.5L Thanks for the help with as much dregs as I am getting from this wine I am sure I will need the top off.
You know if you have a little too much left over, put it in a wine bottle and plant it in the refrig. Let it sit for a week or 2 and when it pretty well clears, get the bottle out very very carefully and pour it off into a glass. If you do it right, you will have a glass of cold wine that is really young but probably needs a spoonful of sugar or so and it will give you some idea of what you are going to wind up with. If it tastes bad, don't pitch the whole batch, a lot of times after waiting for a while [a year or so more or less] it gets much better. Good luck with it, wish I was there to help you taste, lol, Arne.
The bottle doesn't have to be full when you put it in the refrigerator. Just use whatever is leftover and pour the clear off later. Arne.
The bottle doesn't have to be full when you put it in the refrigerator. Just use whatever is leftover and pour the clear off later. Arne.

I would make sure it is topped up - refrigeration will slow the oxidation process down - but it will not prevent it from happening.

Unless you use a vacuum saver on it - but i would just keep it topped up.
Just a thought but couldn't I have used a 750ml bottle if all else failed and then just used the old balloon as a airlock trick. I mean not a perfect senario but If all I am going to use it for is topping up. Also could you just rack of the lees and freeze this or would the freezing process damage the wine?