To stir or not to stir this is the question

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Dec 31, 2008
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so I woke up this a.m. and the fermentation is going well I have a thick film of foam over the top? should I stir this up? and should I stir before every time I take a hydrometer reading?
You can stir it up every day or so if you like. As long as it is active it probably isn't that necessary, but as long as you sanitize the spoon, it gives the yeast a bit more oxygen to work with in the beginning and later helps the yeast find the yeast nutrients. Stirring before a hydrometer reading is probably a good idea also.

Others may have more comments because we all have our own way of doing things.
Looking good there buddy! Like Appleman or "cadman"
says either is fine. I stir it as I lock the lid down so I like to get 02 in there but if you have a lid off or loose then there really is no need to stir!
Don't bother with the hydrometer reading now. In a couple of days you will see the foam reduce and or go away. I would check it then.

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