To back sweeten or not to back sweeten that is the question

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Nov 26, 2011
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My apple wine is clear as glass and is bulk aging nicely. Started 10/9/12 the SG is .992 and the sample taste is dry. How much flavor enhancement comes from back sweetening? I don't want a sweet wine but I do want a good apple flavor. Also will this wine benefit from bulk aging if so how long?
Typically apple wine , I will use frozen apple juice to back sweeten and get more of the taste also. I can recommend taking some out of the carboy and trying just sugar and then add a little apple concentrate and see which one you personally like the best. I am sure that they make apple extract also - I personally never tried that flavor.
I have to agree on the frozen apple concentrate, I found some today with no preservatives, 100% pure juice, I'll use it to back sweeten my hard cider if necessary, if I still think I need more sweetener, I'll use a simple syrup, 2 parts of sugar to one part water.
I am not speaking from experience, however from the research I have done, apple requires aging of a year or longer. I am bulk aging mine, and back sweetening after a year with apple concentrate.
A little bit of back sweetening can bring out the apple flavor without being sweet. I would make several samples from .5% to maybe 3% sugar and do a comparative taste test to see what is optimal.