Tiger Lily Wine?

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Apr 4, 2016
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The roadside Tiger Lilies are starting to bloom. There's little info on here about making wine out of them as well as the internet. JK's website mentions buds but no recipe, elsewhere I had read "make sure to remove any greens and use petals only" as the green parts are toxic??? Then an article from 2010 where they harvest, cook and eat all parts from root to flower . . . Any experience here with Tiger Lily wine? I'm very much a beginner and want to make wine out of things as they come in season locally, but this one kind of scares me.
If you decide to start one, feel free to add it to a Wine of the Month Club thread. I would love to have another exotic ingredient wine on our list.
Jericurl, Awesome on the two additional recipes! Thank you! Just got home from the day job, hopping on the gator and heading out to start collecting them. Sadly in the past I'd brush hog most of them down as they come right up to a field I plant and need the turn around room.
They really are such pretty flowers. We have some come up along our fence line.