Thunder Snow

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2007
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The forecast is 15" to 20" by morning. It is really coming down, it will be fun going to work in the morning.
Last weekwasreally nice in the 30's but we are paying for it today.
And Spring has arrived in Arkansas.................



Here too Waldo, with today I think we had 5 days this week at 80 degrees +. I hope this isn't a sign of what summer is going to bring. Crazy weather this winter.
Is that green grass ? It will be the end of April before we see that!!
We had robins here last week and are suppose to get hit with a storm also. They are calling for an inch an hour over night. I don't think we'll even get 10" total though, through tomorrow.
We had a storm like that a few weeks ago, or was it just a couple weeks ago? It's all just a blurr anymore. It snowed three inches an hour and we had a pretty good thunderstorm out of it at night.

I hope spring gets here soon for evrybody. It was 50 degrees here two days ago and then went down to 0 right after.
We're looking at a few inches here also, nothing much although I cant say how many times they have said that and we get a 12" instead.
I've almost got to mow my green grass here in Vancouver. It started growing a couple of weeks ago. It's moving slow so far, but will be mowed before the month is out.

Radishes and Mesculin mix lettuce has already been planted here.
Yep, I wake up to 9 or 10 inches every morning this time of year.............quite often more........................ Less than that other times of the year