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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2005
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<A name=poem8>Down Thar in Arkansaw</A>

You all up thar in Yankee land,
ole appleman and folks,
Do seem to have a heap o’ fun
A crackin’ of yer jokes;
And tryin’ hard to find some fault,
Or pick a leetle flaw
About our gals a usin’ snuff,
And, the hogs, in Arkansaw.

What if they are rather slim
And sometimes purty shy?
They have to climb ’round o’er the hills
And, roothog, thar, or die.
What if the gals thar do take snuff,
And sometimes take a chaw?
Thar’s gals inYankee landjust as tough
As them in Arkansaw.

I “seed” a gal in meetin’ once
A floppin’ of her jaw
As hard as any gal I ever seed
Down thar in Arkansaw.
The preacher made this sly remark;
“Thar ain’t no gum in...” Well,
I won’t say whar; If you can’t guess
Get someone else to tell.

Now I ain’t boomin’ Arkansaw
And callin’ it Paradise,
But think the site is purty fair,
And the climate mighty nice.
And you kin chaw gum all you please
And exercise your jaw,
For sweet gum grows on big tall trees
Down thar in Arkansaw.

Up thar sometimes that comes along,
Them shriekin’ howlin’ blizzards
That chills the marrer in yer bones
And penetrates yer gizzard;
Then if you hunt a warmer clime
To find a place to thaw,
And limber up you fris up joints,
Come down to Arkansaw.

And when you get all kivered o’er
With mud from heel to jaw,
Jist pack yer grip and pull yer freight
To southwest Arkansaw.
Whar sandy silt precludes the mud
And snows skeerce ever fall;
Whar boltin’ winds and ragin’ storms
Are checked by forests tall.

Good land’s cheap in Arkansaw
As any place that’s known,
And a lot ofYankee renters
Could make good homes of their own
And set beneath their own grape vine
And peach tree’s coolin’ shade,
Whar the landlord couldn’t fire ’em
Nor the sheriff make afraid.
Why, that's a nice invitation, Waldo...Thanks! We just might be down there some day, in the meantime my sweetie is from California and thinks this winter stuff is great....I'm just along forthe ride....I don't care where I am...Life is always good!!!
Why Waldo it is beeyouteefull up here lately. The snow's was a meltin' and the temps soared to near 70! Today the wind she's a howlen bout 60 -70 mile nhour. High tomorree bout 30! We live on a giant roller coaster at times. Them wimen a yeren sound mytee purdee a chawin snuff an stuff. My granpappy cummed frum de sout(actually born up here) where he lived darned near all his life. Ma pappy moved up her when he was 16 and stayed. Guess I am just destined to be a remainin up eere.
well waldo ,there may no end to your talents.i hitch hiked thru ar kansas about 1979 and found it to be one of the most beautiful places i'd ever been.and in a survey i did here in florida we found afull 50% of arkansas women have teeth.there is that dry county thing out that way though.enjoy your freedoms.
Got a spare room Waldo?..... But up here in Wisconsin we have 58* one day,Tornados the next and then 3"of snow the day after that, and thats in January...

Mrs Chev and I are heading down to Georgia in April and then to Talladega for the Nascar Race to see it southern style.

Might not be able to wait that long to warm up....Carpool Anyone?
Edited by: chevyguy65
chevyguy65 said:
Got a spare room Waldo?..... But up here in Wisconsin we have 58* one day,Tornados the next and then 3"of snow the day after that, and thats in January...

Mrs Chev and I are heading down to Georgia in April and then to Talladega for the Nascar Race to see it southern style.

Might not be able to wait that long to warm up....Carpool Anyone?
You must be in southern Wi. Up here in Hayward we haven't seen 58 since the first of Nov. Our January thaw left us with about 12" of snow left on the ground. I just moved up here from Delavan after spending winters in Arizona.
chevyguy65 said:
Got a spare room Waldo?..... But up here in Wisconsin we have 58* one day,Tornados the next and then 3"of snow the day after that, and thats in January...

Mrs Chev and I are heading down to Georgia in April and then to Talladega for the Nascar Race to see it southern style.

Might not be able to wait that long to warm up....Carpool Anyone?

Come on down chevy...will throw out a pallet or blow up an air mattress.....