The new HR guy

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Chronologically Gifted Member
Supporting Member
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
Central Ohio
This is a very old one (heck, I'm very old!) and it is a little risque so I hope no one is offended.

A new college graduate, Tommy, was hired into the Human Resources department of a large company. Being totally green, the management put him with Jim, an old pro who was near retirement, in order that someone "teach Tommy the ropes."

One morning Jim said, "Today we are going to interview three candidate for an executive secretarial position. I will do all the questioning. All I want you to do is to watch and learn."

The first candidate came in and Jim launched into his list of questions regarding former positions, experience, special skills, etc. At the very end of the interview, he said to the candidate, "How much is 8 plus 5?" and the girl quickly and confidently answered, "13." He thanked her and she left.

The second candidate came in, went through the same general questions and, again, at the end, Jim said, "How much is 8 plus 5?" The girl hesitated, looked at him curiously and finally said, "13." He thanked her and she left.

The third candidate come in, was given the same general questions and, again, at the end, Jim asked, "How much is 8 plus 5?" to which she answered "14." He thanked her and she left.

When they were alone, Jim turned to Tommy and said, "What did we learn here?" Tommy was confused by the whole ordeal and said, "Please tell me!" Jim said, "Well, the first candidate answered quickly and accurately. She is obviously very smart and quick," and Tommy said, "Well that is good!" Jim said, "I can be good and it can be bad. She is smart and quick which is normally a plus, but it could turn to a negative. Sooner or later, this type of person starts thinking they can do the boss' job which could lead to a host of problems. Now the second candidate was interesting. She hesitated, not sure why she was being asked such a simple question." Tommy said, "Well maybe a healthy skepticism is good." Jim said, "It can be but it could also mean that because she does not trust, she can't be trusted either. Now, the third candidate did not even get the right answer." Tommy said, "That is really bad," to which Jim said, "It can be bad but it can also be good. A person like this would never be a threat or be into the boss' business."

At this point, Tommy was really confused and bewildered so he asked the obvious question, "Well, which one do we hire?" and Jim says, "Oh, the one with the big boobs."

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