Terroir de Whole Foods?

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico
Was at Whole Foods (Whole Paycheck) in Santa fe yesterday and while in the produce section I noticed a large table advertising wine grapes by the pound!

$2.49 a pound for “Organic Red Grenache Wine Grapes,” “Organic Green French Colombard Wine Grapes,” and “Organic Black Carignane Wine Grapes.” Taste the difference, pre-wine! Grapes are out of California.

I think at that price per pound you can buy a pretty good bottle of commercial for a lot less. They tasted pretty good though!

wait a minute////you tasted the grapes? right in the supermarket? did you wash your hands right before touching the grapes?

hmmmm..your one of those people!

then again.....i am too! :)
Clever...How else do you make "boring old grapes" exciting and "worth" a premium price?

Since the public doesn't know what wine grapes should taste like (compared to table grapes), a grower could send any old sub-par harvest to the grocery store and make more money than on the wine!
I think that this year they are growing more wine grapes in our country than there is demand. I have read several stories that last year Napa couldn't sell all their grapes or their wine. Also, several wineries in the Central Coast and Central Valley areas of California went under lin the last two years.

I guess $2.49 is a nice alternative, if they can't sell them for wine!!!
well at least they can attempt to offer more interesting tasting grapes than many of the bland table grapes that are often offered

hats off to their new 'terroir' offering :)