Super Kleer vs. Sparkolloid for SP

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Jan 16, 2011
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I've been doing some searching on this forum to see which one people prefer for clearing SP, but I haven't been able to find anything on which people prefer. I know that in the recipe on Lon's website it says to use Sparkolloid, but I'm a lazy, lazy man. I really don't want to heat and mix that up, when I can just open a package and dump in.

Any reason why you'd use one over the other? Does it really matter?
I've been doing some searching on this forum to see which one people prefer for clearing SP, but I haven't been able to find anything on which people prefer. I know that in the recipe on Lon's website it says to use Sparkolloid, but I'm a lazy, lazy man. I really don't want to heat and mix that up, when I can just open a package and dump in.

Any reason why you'd use one over the other? Does it really matter?

My anecdotal evidence: I've done 5 batches of SP. The first 4 I used Sparkolloid and they cleared superfast. Being lazy and having used SuperClear with my kits I figured I would use that on my 5th. After 3+ weeks it had only started to clear in the top 1/4 of my carboy. At this point I added Sparkolloid and it was totally clear about 48hrs later.

So I have another SP in the primary as I type and IO will be putting up with the Sparkolloid process on this one. I don't know what other differences may have played into this but I'll stick with Sparkolloid.
You're not making it easy for me to be lazy.


Oh well, I guess I'll have to put in the effort.

Thanks for the help.
After a lifetime of making Skeeter Pee, you'll be able to buy a new car with the money saved using Sparkolloid.
I just mixed up a some Sparkolloid and added it to my POM infused Skeeter Pee about 15 hours ago. I'm pretty sure the Pee is more cloudy now than it was before I added it. This is my first time using Sparkolloid though, so maybe this is normal. When I fined my two batches of apple wine with SuperKleer, I noticed a difference within 2-3 hours.

Is it possible I prepped the Sparkolloid incorrectly. I have a bulk package that says to use 1 tsp per gallon of wine. I have a 6 gallon batch of pee, so I mixed 2 Tbs (6 tsp) in one cup of water and brought to a boil. The package said to boil for 3 minutes and add the hot mixture to the wine. So this is what I did.

I noticed that the boiled Sparkolloid solution did not seem homogenous. In other words, it still seemed somewhat grainiy. I just assumed this was okay since I followed the directions, but I'm questioning myself now. Should the Sparkolloid powder have dissolved and got thick, almost like cornstarch would?
I've used superkleer both times I have made it, after waiting quite a while for it to start clearing on it's own. Have had good results both times, but after reading this, I will have to get some sparkalloid to try.
I just mixed up a some Sparkolloid and added it to my POM infused Skeeter Pee about 15 hours ago. I'm pretty sure the Pee is more cloudy now than it was before I added it. This is my first time using Sparkolloid though, so maybe this is normal. When I fined my two batches of apple wine with SuperKleer, I noticed a difference within 2-3 hours.

Is it possible I prepped the Sparkolloid incorrectly. I have a bulk package that says to use 1 tsp per gallon of wine. I have a 6 gallon batch of pee, so I mixed 2 Tbs (6 tsp) in one cup of water and brought to a boil. The package said to boil for 3 minutes and add the hot mixture to the wine. So this is what I did.

I noticed that the boiled Sparkolloid solution did not seem homogenous. In other words, it still seemed somewhat grainiy. I just assumed this was okay since I followed the directions, but I'm questioning myself now. Should the Sparkolloid powder have dissolved and got thick, almost like cornstarch would?

My directions say 1 tbsp. Perhaps you didn't add enough? I know from water treatment that a small difference in coagulant concentration will greatly impact the formation of flocs (the bigger particles that form in the water and settle out). I've had mixed luck with Sparkolloid myself.

One batch I boiled briefly (<5min), added, and it didn't do anything. Batch I did last Thursday I boiled for ~10 minutes and added (1 tbsp to 1 cup water). Well, I can see it dropping sediment every day! More and more! It's already clearer than the batch I did 2 weeks prior.

I'm thinking the keys for Sparkolloid use are (1) concentration, (2) boiling, (3) patience.

FYI, Here is the Sparkolloid instructions for Winery Use. They are more detailed than what we get from the little Wine Store packages.

They say:
Maintain temperature above 82°C (180°F), while agitating the mixture constantly until all of the translucent globules of clarifier have been dissolved and the mixture is smooth and creamy (Approximately 20-30 minutes)

They also have a section called "Lab Procedure", which is basically a series of jar tests, to figure out what concentration of Sparkolloid to add to the wine to get the particles to settle.

Hope that helps! I might be way off, I'm only on my 2nd batch of SP!

I use bentonite and it has always cleared perfectly for skeeter pee. I haven't tried the others though so I can't compare it, bentonite gets mine crystal clear so it's all I have been using.
Sparkolloid is 1 teaspoon per gallon mixed with 2 teaspoons of water per gallon of wine. Add a little extra water to account for the evaporation. Sparkolloid needs 20 minutes for sure. Add hot and stir very well. It will begin clearing immediately and you will see a difference within a few hours. Many times your wine is visably clear overnight but always give it at least 4 weeks.

You can always microwave the mix but need to stir frequently. Easier on the stove.

When I fill my carboy I stop around the shoulder level then add most of the sparkolloid, Stir vigorously then fill almost to the top and add remaining mix.
Sparkolloid is 1 teaspoon per gallon mixed with 2 teaspoons of water per gallon of wine. Add a little extra water to account for the evaporation. Sparkolloid needs 20 minutes for sure. Add hot and stir very well. It will begin clearing immediately and you will see a difference within a few hours. Many times your wine is visably clear overnight but always give it at least 4 weeks.

You can always microwave the mix but need to stir frequently. Easier on the stove.

When I fill my carboy I stop around the shoulder level then add most of the sparkolloid, Stir vigorously then fill almost to the top and add remaining mix.

Steve my instructions said to put 8 ounces of water and 1 tablespoon of sparkolloid into a pot and boil for 5 minutes then add to must. That is for 5 gallons. Mine isn't clearing can I try it again using your method or will it effect the taste?
Using Steve's method works! I prefer super kleere and buy it in bulk. Hands down it's a ton easier to use and not that expensive if you make a lot of wine. On the other hand if you buying it in the individual packages for $2.00 it's not that expensive if you count the time you save.

Bottom line, they both work so use what you're most comfortable with.
I had to order sparkolloid since the local wine shop doesn't sell clearing agents. I don't think the way I did it is going to work, can I re-do it? Or does too much sparkolloid in the wine give it a bad taste?

Also Steve when you said "Sparkolloid needs 20 minutes for sure" are you talking about 20 minutes of boiling? Thanks for the help guys. I'll get it all figured out soon. ;)
I use bentonite and it has always cleared perfectly for skeeter pee. I haven't tried the others though so I can't compare it, bentonite gets mine crystal clear so it's all I have been using.

I've never used Bentonite. How long does it take it to clear the pee?
Both bentonite and sparkolloid work fast. Many times you can see a change within hours. I have never used an excess amount of either but they will begin to remove some flavor if you use too much.

Patience is a virture as even if it didn't work immediately it will clear over time. Be sure it is fully degassed and it does work quicker in warm temps. vs. cooler cellars.

When I start my sparkolloid I add it to the pot of water, turn on the burner to low and stir frequently. I eyeball the clock and shoot for it being finished in 30 minutes.

It takes approx. 10 mins. to get to a slow simmer so 20 mins. of simmering is acheived by then. Even if you are plus or minus a few minutes that's okay.

Stir often so it doesn't burn. Always add some extra water so as the water evaporates it will be okay. If it gets too low you may add some more water just don't let it get too low it burns the pan.

Pour thru a funnel directly into the wine hot and stir briskly (? 30 seconds) into the carboy. I fill my wine to the shoulders first so there isn't any hot splashing. After stirring briskly (and you are degassing at this time too with the stirring) I will top off the wine and add a few more drops of sparkolloid still hot and stir the top few inces as best I can.

Add an airlock and let is rest. You should see a difference within a few hours.

The original skeeter pee was the only wine I actually had trouble clearing. Don't know why but it still tastes the same. Kind of like green eggs and ham, if you didn't see it you wouldn't know the difference.

Benoite in the begining of the process and super kleer at the finish,good combo,for me...:i
I have cleared two sp batches so far with sparkoloid and no problems. The only fault I have with it is the lees are so light & fluffy that I've had to rack really slowly to keep from stirring it up, and pour the bottom gallon in a one gallon jug to re-clear. I hate wasting wine, so that way I don't waste much. ;)
Steve my instructions said to put 8 ounces of water and 1 tablespoon of sparkolloid into a pot and boil for 5 minutes then add to must. That is for 5 gallons. Mine isn't clearing can I try it again using your method or will it effect the taste?

Catfish you can do another 2-3 teaspoons of sparkolloid for your five gallons.

Things to also consider is the wine degassed and warm. CO2 will hold slot of sediment.

If it is degassed go ahead with another batch of S. One teaspoon of sp. and 2 ounces of water per gallon of wine plus an extra ounce or two of water.

Simmer a good twenty mins. and add. Then give it time. Some wines take longer. You can do this now or wait a bit and give it time.

PM me if you have anymore problems or questions.
Thanks Steve I'll wait a few days and see what happens then go from there.
I added Super Kleer about 16-days ago. I haven't back-sweetened or bottled yet. I used the slurry from a White Merlot which has given it a slight pink tint. I have maintained about 73-75 from the beginning. Should I continute to wait for it to clear? Will in clear in the bottle? Any suggestions?

Thank you,
