Mosti Mondiale Summer Breeze Raspberry Merlot

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Senior Member
May 10, 2011
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Raspberry Merlot
A delightful blend of Merlot and raspberries make a very rich and medium bodied wine, bursting with luscious raspberry flavor and smooth raspberry aromas.

MMM ............ sounds good right?

Well It's great and its only a month in the bottle.

Followed the directions to the T.
even added the Kmetta and Sorbate.

Today I went to get a bottle off the rack and 3 COUNT THEM 3 corks popped :a

I thought it was degassed fully and I was sure I put in the sorbate.

not really sure why it would do this.

Any ideas?
Just a thought! I see you are a senior member and may know this, please forgive me if you do. You should have after corking let the bottles stand upright for two to three days. This is done before you layed them down to store on the rack. This would allow all gases to excape and helps the cork to make a better seal, so that when you lay them down there should be no problems.
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Just a thought! I see you are a senior member and may know this, please forgive me if you do. You should have after corking let the bottles stand upright for two to three days. This is done before you layed them down to store on the rack. This would allow all gases to excape and helps the cork to make a better seal, so that when you lay them down there should be no problems.

I did not think of that.
It is however what was done :)
was a very good thing to point our however.

The wine in question is all in Bordeaux Antique Green bottles ....Agglomerate, #8 X 1.50

I have used these bottles and corks lots and never had a problem, I don't usually use 9's because with my hand corker they don't like to go in all the way.

think this is a problem?
I did not think of that.
It is however what was done :)
was a very good thing to point our however.

The wine in question is all in Bordeaux Antique Green bottles ....Agglomerate, #8 X 1.50

I have used these bottles and corks lots and never had a problem, I don't usually use 9's because with my hand corker they don't like to go in all the way.

think this is a problem?

Should use #9's on standard bottles lie the Bordeaux bottles. Make sure you have two finger widths of air space between the bottom of the cork and the top of the wine. With non-artificial corks, you should always stand the bottles up for a couple of days immediately after corking.

Did you fully degas the wine?

If all these were done, maybe your sorbate was bad and fermentation started again. If you put your ear up to the bottle, do you hear a fizzing?
What was your ending s.g.? If not low enough, it mite of decided to start fermenting again. If the corks are popping, I would make sure to have some eye protection on when messing with the bottles. Check for any sediment in the bottles. open one carefully and see if there is any carbondioxide. If you still have co2 in them or they are refermenting, get them in the reefrigerator, cool em down and pour them back into some kind of a primary to degass or into a carboy with an airlock and you can safely tell what is going on with them. Good luck with them, Arne.
Okay well we left them alone for a couple days to see what happened... thought maybe it was just a couple of bad bottles ... found two more blown yesterday.

I am going to return to a carboy and re-sorbate and De gas again. then go with #9 corks..

I had always heard bout blowing corks but had never seen it.

ended up having to buy a carpet cleaner lol

thanks for all your input.
I have the same kit ready to bottle next week. I'll keep an eye on it. I'm going to sorbate, wait two days, then bottle, just for good measure.