Sulphite allergy/sensitivity

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Nov 12, 2007
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Are any of you allergic or very sensitive to sulphites? I ask becauseme and the a bottle of commercial wine last night, and I'm still tasting sulpur today. It was a 2005 Fontana Candida Pinot Grigio, and it's supposed to be really good. My wife thought it was ok, just a little bit too dry for her, but me... It really burnt in the mouth. All I tasted was compareable to a glass of salted bleach, and it really stung my tongue. In fact the tip of my tongue is still stinging with sulphur. I've never had a problem with commercial wines before, so I'm wondering if this specific wine wasn't over sulphited. Only it didn't affect my wife like this, and it has rave reviews on the net. Can one aquire an allergy to sulphites? Will someone who is sensitive to sulphites please respond if you have similar reactions.
I am allergic,and dont use sulfites at all.I have always been that way.
It could be that the wine you drank was oversulfited,but who knows for sure.It makes it hard for me to breathe,and lasts for a long time.I can also taste it in my mouth all day long.It also gives me a headache.I mostly just drink my own wines,and friends wine.He doesnt use them.Sulfites are used in lots of processed foods that I avoid.It makes winemaking more difficult,but I have found ways of preserving my wines without it.I litely fortify my wines,and use absorbic acid to prevent oxydation.I also use stabilizer.I may get a bottle fermentation on a rare occasion,but usually its a pleasent suprize.I dont bottle my wines with alot of sweetness,so its not a problem.
I'm still tasting the sulphur, and I have had a very slight headache since tasting the wine, so I may be allergic. I've just never had this happen with other wines, so it's really suprising to me. I've also always been very organic from growing up on the farm, and I never eat any processed foods. All the meat I eat is home butchered also, so it's unlikely that I've come into much contact with sulphites in my food. I just wonder if it wasn't cork taint though. I've read somewhere in the forums that it causes a chlorine taste or smell (if I recall correctly that is). I'll have to try another to compare now, just to find out.