Sulfur spray during blossom question

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Oct 9, 2013
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San Jose, California
The Cab Sauv blossoms in San Jose have just started opening sporadically throughout the vineyard. I have a question that I cannot find answered about sulfur spray. Will sulfur damage the blossoms? In the back of my mind I recall avoiding sprays during this time, but maybe I am imagining this.

I have found an app for iPhone called Pest Prophet. It has many models for pest behavior and predicts best spray timing for many types of crops. I am using the grape powdery mildew model. One free model and location is included in the app. I highly recommend it if you spray.
I managed to find this tidbit, maybe where this idea came from in my mind.

It is necessary to re-treat the vineyard as shoots expand and new tissue grows. Growers usually re-treat the vines every 10-14 days pre-bloom. Most wineries want growers to stop using micronized and wettable sulfur materials just prior to bloom (and switch to sulfur dust for later applications) to ensure that reduced odors don't occur in wines made from treated fruit.

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