Suggestion for New Wine Makers

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Fruit "Wine" Maker
Aug 29, 2015
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Northwest Arkansas
I never want to discourage experimentation in wine making or other hobbies for that matter, BUT; For all the new to wine making folks out there this is a suggestion.

There are enough people on here who have tried just about every trick in the book, that one would be hard pressed to come up with an idea that somebody else hasn't already tried. Some succeed and some …. well, some make great vinegar or swill.

When you read about certain steps in wine making and you think "I have an idea for a great time saving, work saving short cut.…" Take a deep breath and come on this forum and do two things, 1) Search for something in your idea like "aging without K-meta" or whatever it is you think will save time and effort or maybe make a better wine. 2) If you don't find it, post a question about it.

Chances are somebody has been down that road and either found it to be a disaster, or just not as productive as they thought. Most things that work are already discussed or listed in books or on forums like this as great alternative ideas for wine making.

Most of us don't have endless amounts of time and/or money to spend on this hobby. So take advantage of the corporate knowledge that exists out there through this forum.

Wine making has been going on for thousands of years. In that time people have had successes and some have failed, perhaps losing their health or their lives with an idea that they thought would be a great new way to do something. We have very little about how many people died from various types of food poisoning and other unintentional self-inflicted death. Today with forums like this I have learned so much and continue to learn all the time. I've avoided some disasters and survived a few mis-steps. I've even lost a couple of batches to mistakes. I'd rather not be like the young lieutenant who's commander said: "Never makes the same mistake twice, but he's has made every mistake possible once." I'm pretty certain that most folks who jump on this forum want to make the best wines possible and have fun doing it.
I try to search first, yet my search-fu is weak as I don't yet understand enough of the terminology to know what I'm trying to ask in the first place. It's a catch-22 of sorts for newcomers and I run into this same dilemma when helping people with photography.

I'm mulling over in the back of my head a process flowchart of sorts. I've seen many charts that are at a high level which show the general process's like clean&prep, primary fermentation, secondary, racking, bottling. But I'm thinking more along the lines of a decision tree and timing matrix. It will be a work in progress and I'll rely heavily on the advanced members to make it 'right' so newcomers can visually see what has to happen to make a good product. Heck - maybe it exists already here and I've just not found it.

But back to your OP---- Yes, from what I see there is a TON of experience here and I'm in awe at all the different wines people are making and how they do it. And if that content is here, it's searchable.

I am truly grateful about how the advanced members here jump in and do their best to get folks started. I'm slowly learning the terminology and craft, and certainly don't have high expectations I'll master this quickly. The patience some have shown is amazing with us newbies. I think after I get through this current batch I might just have to graduate from the Beginners Wine Making Forum to the General forum!

You are never 'too new' to look at the other forums. Today someone posted a question about a wine they were making on the "Recipes" forum. Sadly it may not get the attention it deserves because if folks aren't looking for a recipe, they may not check in and check out the question. Some of us never graduate from the beginners forum because we are always a beginner with something we are trying out.

Another subtly about this forum is that the status of some folks like Junior Member, Senior member really has no qualifier. (Except for "Moderator" )You pick that status. Likewise folks with only a couple dozen posts may be very experienced professional wine makers but they are new to the site, or they may be doing their first few home wine making projects working with smaller quantities for the first time. (5 gallons vs 500 or 5000). So the number of messages posted, status listed, and even "Date Joined" may not accurately reflect that persons knowledge, skills, or depth of experience.

Never fail to ask questions, preferably before you act - and ALWAYS take copious notes about what you do, what use, how much, even temperatures and even where you are doing it. Write down smells and tastes they do matter to you and others who may be trying to help you. Also don't hesitate to say, I'm doing this on a limited budget. Some folks on here have spent thousands of dollars over years in this hobby, some have spent less than $500.00 in couple of years and both may have different, and workable ways of solving your problems or answering your questions.

The biggest problem I see is when someone new posts and says something really vague like:

"My wine is almost finished fermenting but it has a funny smell what's wrong with it?"

"Sounds like you might have a problem." Could be a corresponding response.

Both are lacking the substance needed to help either party.

So ask questions, offer comments/questions if someone posts something you don't understand or would like to know more about.
I think after I get through this current batch I might just have to graduate from the Beginners Wine Making Forum to the General forum!

When I first started about 1 1/2 years ago I started reading Dainel Pambianchi's Techniques in Home Winemaking. I got through the first few chapters then I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Now, I may still not totally understand everything but atleast I have an idea what he's talking about. Similar to your graduation.

The other thing I find interesting about this forum is when I go back and look at some of the earlier posts it appears the forum in general has graduated to a higher level. It's nice to see some of the more experienced folks were once asking the same questions and had the same issues as the newer less experienced. Their thoughts and the questions they are now posting are going to do nothing but make all of us better winemakers.
Until I had ?enough? wine made I alternate between early drinkers and wine to age. I’m lucky my wife likes the mist type kits, happy wife, happy life! So I keep her in RJ Spagnols Orchard Breezin' Peach Perfection Chardonnay. They are ready to drink as soon as you bottle. Then a Winexpert Eclipse Sonoma Valley Pinot Noir, my favorite.

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