Sublingual immunotherapy

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Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Has anybody tried Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) for allergy relief??

It is something used in Europe - and is used in the US - but it is not FDA approved yet. It has not been approved yet b/c they have not defined a dosage, length of time to take, etc.

Is is the same syrum used in the allergy shots - it is just taken in a liquid form under the tongue.

My son has bad allergies - have been comtemplating on doing this.

If he takes his allegra, flovent inhaler, and asterpro nasal spary - it is kept under control and does fine.

So if anybody has any experience good or bad - please share...

Jon I'd like to hear more about this.

Another thing that is suppose to work very well is to take one tsp of "local" honey every morning stating a few weeks before the season begins. I know several people that do this and they swear by it.
I have heard that as well.

If we start with his allergy meds (allegra, flovent inhaler (steroid), and the asterpro (nasal spray)) he doesn't have any issues.

My concern with that is - should we continue that path or would doing the Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) - getting his body immune to the allergy be better.

I have read that usually you only do that if you can't keep allergies under control.

So on the fence about it - and the fact that it isn't FDA approved is also scary.

He is 6 so - don't really want to do the bi-weekly shots with him yet....
I have been told by someone that holding some red wine under the tongue for 30 seconds helps relieve cold symtoms, etc and he even claims it helped get rid of his cancer. Not sure about that one, but who knows.
Rich, any kind of red wine or is it a particular kind.

Dan, I have heard of honey as well and it seems to really work.

Jon, sorry, I have not heard of this before. If you decided not to do this, I think you should consider the honey just because it could get your son off of all the meds he is currently taking.
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We may have to try the honey - doing some reading it behaves as an immunotherapy.

Same thing as the shots do or in the case Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).
So we got some raw, unheated local honey today...

Going to give this a whirl - read some interesting articles and user feedback on how this has controlled and/or eliminated seasonal allergies..

Doesn't hurt to try - if it doesn't work - we are out about $4....
Good luck, I know if my children were still young and had allergies that bad, I would want to try to find some natural way to help them out instead having to always give them medication. Not that I am oppose to med's but I just like the natural way first.

Jon make sure you let us know how this works
Good luck, I know if my children were still young and had allergies that bad, I would want to try to find some natural way to help them out instead having to always give them medication. Not that I am oppose to med's but I just like the natural way first.

Jon make sure you let us know how this works

I totally agree with you. I will let you know - from what I read - 2 weeks should notice a difference - after a month a significant difference.

So will keep you posted..
Julie, I just had this one guys anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of the wine. He swore by it and said the kind of wine did not matter.

I had a professor at college that ate raw apple seeds and said the anthocyanin was an effective anti-cancer agent. It seemed to work for him and he swore by it.

The guy that told me about the wine and cancer is a survivor of extremely advanced prostate cancer. I heard that he was given weeks to live last December. I met him in July this year and he had resumed all activities and was pronounced cancer free. He said he had been using the wine under the tongue and also since he processed apples, had created an extract from the apple seeds which he took also. He did not know what had cured him, but the chemo, etc hadn't worked so he tried the apple seed extract and wine and got better from the cancer. Miracle or the wine and apples?, who knows...............................
Julie, I just had this one guys anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of the wine. He swore by it and said the kind of wine did not matter.

I had a professor at college that ate raw apple seeds and said the anthocyanin was an effective anti-cancer agent. It seemed to work for him and he swore by it.

The guy that told me about the wine and cancer is a survivor of extremely advanced prostate cancer. I heard that he was given weeks to live last December. I met him in July this year and he had resumed all activities and was pronounced cancer free. He said he had been using the wine under the tongue and also since he processed apples, had created an extract from the apple seeds which he took also. He did not know what had cured him, but the chemo, etc hadn't worked so he tried the apple seed extract and wine and got better from the cancer. Miracle or the wine and apples?, who knows...............................

Thanks Rich,

I think it was a miracle and the miracle lies in the fact that wine and apple seeds can cure such a deadly disease.

Sometimes I wonder if it really is modern medicine that has given us a longer life or the fact that communication is so much better today than ever that maybe across the world we are sharing our cures.