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May 29, 2007
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Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't been around lately, but my Mosti has been bulk aging so my attention gets diverted elsewhere.

So, I'm taking a marketing course at the University of Massachusetts. As part of this course we're required to conduct and analyze a survey on upscale dining preferences.

If any of you would like to help out, the link to the survey can be found below. It's 8 questions and takes 2-3 minutes to complete.

Thanks in advance and I'm sorry for being away so long only to come back and ask for help.


Survey: by: dmcquade
Did the survey too. Mine may not count. Red Lobster is upscale for me.
I dont get out much so when Ido I make the most of it and go upscale but dont like those places that are just about presentation. If they come out with 2 pce's of asparagus surrounding a 1 oz. pce of meat for $40 Id just laugh, stand up, and walk out!!!!!!!!!!
LOL -- I'm the same way. Half the time when my wife and I go out for a really "special" dinner we end up coming home and gobbling up a huge bowl of ice cream or cake. :) There just isn't enough food.
Took the survey.

Can't say I go "upscale"very often,but I do from time to time and it is mostly associated with my work. I once had a waiter bring me a plate of "escargot" when I took my wife out for our first anniversary. It looked like a snail on a cracker so I looked it up in the menu and was shocked to see that it was a snail on a cracker. Since wedidn't order it,we didn't eat it. I have no idea why they brought it to us. My wife almost lost her appetite at the thought of eating a snail. Luckily we were able to laugh about it later and it didn't ruin the occasion. Sorry, but we're simple folks and if we want "culture" we'll have tacos for dinner.
did the survey like to go out at both highend and not so high end eateries,as long as the food ,i do enjoy bring my own wine when i can
I'm with Waldo - escargot are yummie. SWMBO won't eat them, though. I wonder how much effect location has on the price, however. Upscale in Memphis is $50/person. I can't imagine going upscale in NYC or Boston for that price. I have spent more than that when I was in NYC in the 70's.
I tried escargot once. It was difficult to get past my brain on that one, but when I did I really enjoyed it. :)
The problem upscale places many times do not have the best food. Living in Boston for over a decade about the best place to eat was the Oyster House out on the pier. Their lobster was fresh off the boat and hung over your plate for a $20 bill you didn't leave hungry. In NY City some of the best food in the city is served out of little holes in the wall, or street venders. Is Hooters considered up scale? Tomy
whino-wino said:
Took the survey.

Can't say I go "upscale"very often,but I do from time to time and it is mostly associated with my work. I once had a waiter bring me a plate of "escargot" when I took my wife out for our first anniversary. It looked like a snail on a cracker so I looked it up in the menu and was shocked to see that it was a snail on a cracker. Since wedidn't order it,we didn't eat it. I have no idea why they brought it to us. My wife almost lost her appetite at the thought of eating a snail. Luckily we were able to laugh about it later and it didn't ruin the occasion. Sorry, but we're simple folks and if we want "culture" we'll have tacos for dinner.

Loved that story! Reminded me of one a good friend and upscale diner told me about his first anniversary. He ordered steak tare tare - medium rare!
I took the survey altho we don't go out as much as we used to. Getting old!
Hey hey hey and hi
Glad to have taken your survey. Makes one think about the answers given. You know , I would rather go to a great restraunt than a average place because it becomes a 'dining experience' instead of just a meal. For example, went to Emeril's in New Orleans awhile back and it was just over $100 for the meal (not counting wine) but it was a 2.5 hour dining experience with better than top-notch service. They didn't just add water to top off your glass but replaced it immediately with a full one. They also escorted the ladies to the 'powder room' and back. Besides the food was perfect. So, we would rather save and have one expensive memorable meal a year than several ho-hum's. However, we do enjoy Olive Garden, Tahoe Joes and Claimjumpers once in a while. Hope that this helps.
Escargot is awesome!!!!!!! Both the wife and I love it. I like it either in the individual serving tray with the oil and garlic or in the filo dough pastry shell!
I, too, took the survey. It made me hungry!

Janna and I usually venture out for an expensive meal several times per year. I don't mind the food prices as it is always outstanding, as is the service. I do struggle with the wine prices. Last time, we took our own bottle.

Escargot is fabulous. If it is on the menu, Janna will order it. One of the finer things to which I get the credit or blame.

New Orleans has some GREAT dining experiences. I love to eat our there whether fancy-smancy or just a bowl of gumbo, it is hard to beat the food in the Big Easy.