Strawberry Wine - Help Needed

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Jan 16, 2012
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My Strawberry wine had been coming along great (1 Gallon Batch).

Fermentation, racked, clearing,etc all perfect.

Added the F-Pac (Juice only - No Pulp) Per the F-Pac page that's online here.


After about 1 month or so I noticed his cloudy substance at bottom that seems suspended.

Now it has been 2 months and no clearing I'm tossing in the flag. I've never seen this and don't want to really rack off 2/3 of a gallon just to not get the junk at the bottom when it used to be just fine.

There are also a few small white crystals floating at the top of the wine. The wine above the cloudy formation is actually nicely clear.

Suggestions, Comments and Solutions appreciated.

Note On Attached Picture. I tried to put a light behind it...the wine is clearer than the picture seems. The specs on the pictures are from the flash / back light / bottle and not the wine...the bottom cloudy stuff is the concern (and hard to photograph).

Thanks everyone for the help.

Looks like thonderstorm clouds from here!. Must be a storm down under the clouds. At first I thought it was a pectin haze but with that much cloudiness, I don't know. Some more experienced winemakers will chime in soon.
You could use a fining agent and it will pack the junk on the bottom down a little, then bottle without letting any of the finings get into your bottle (the last bottle will have some finings in it, but that just means you get to drink that one first. Its just as hard to make 3 gallons as one :) CC
Yes I did. I believe I may have also done it once after 3 months of aging. I'd have to check my notes at home after work.
It just looks like the wine is clearing.

IMO - I would rack off that sediment and cold stabilize it.

Crystals at top indicate wine diamonds - excess TA in the wine - cold temps will crystallize that and drop out.