straberry kiwi has an after taste

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Senior Member
Jan 25, 2012
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I used one large can of Vitners strawberry and one of the kiwi fruit base. I followed the directions on the cans for the 3 gallon recipes and made a total of 6. Before the first racking I Tasted it and it had a pithy taste. I did an acid titration test and it read at .9 percent. I added the potassium bicarbonate. Added 1 tsp. I let it sit for two weeks and racked and tested again. This time I read between 7 and 8 percent. It still seemed high so i added another Teaspoon. I had someone wanting to taste it one day after I made the adjustments. I also tasted and this time it gave me the dry mouth after taste. What can I do to fix this? I am concerned about trying to lower the acid to much. And maybe I already have.
Do the instructions say not to use more that xx g/l?

I thought I read somewhere that you should not use KCO3 to lower acidity for the .3 or .4%.
It says 1-1/3 tsp. So Each time I used only 1 tsp. It says it will lower the ph .1 percent each time.

And I'm not sure what you mean by the second part.