Store bought apple juice- a tip

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2009
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Just wanted to let you all know, if you don't already....

In the stores here, it seems the store brand (Shur Fine)apple juice is the one with only apple juice and ascorbic acid - so the CHEAP (I mean inexpensive) juice is the one you want!

I thought that was pretty cool - since I was looking at the expensive stuff and getting disappointed that it had preservatives.
I use store bought apple juice all the time. Especially after pricing 1.50 a pound for apples and needing about 50 or so pounds for 3 gallons. For pear juice I use Gerber Baby Pear Juice or whatever brand is the cheapest. Oh well, I can get OJ pretty cheap.
I use Santa Cruz organic apple cider. It's not overly processed and tastes like you just bit into an apple. I don't like clear apple juice as it doesn't taste like natural apples to me, and cider seems to make the best cyser meads. I've tried both, and the cider makes a better tasting end result. Of course this is to my palate, and yours may differ.
Dean that's funny you should mention that today. A while back I made 2 ciders side by side the only difference 1 was organic apple cider and the other was a store brand apple juice. I can't tell the difference between them, but my husband and son can and they like the one made with the organic apple juice much better.
On another note. A couple of years ago I made a 2 test batches of the Fall's Bounty Cyser recipe. 1 using apple juice, 1 using pear juice, and the last one was a blend of the 2. I have tried the apple one and the pear one and tonight I am enjoying the blend that is soooooo much better. I may just put together another 3 gallon batch using pear and blend it with the apple I started a couple of months ago!
a blend of apple and pear sounds totally yummy!
I'll be gathering the supplies in the next couple of days and once finished I'll combine them and sneak it into the barrel before the reds take over. There will be a little extra that I may or may not blend, leaning towards not so I can compare with the ones I already have bottled. I'll add to the original thread once I get started.

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