Steam-Juicing Elderberries?

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I have the wine stabilized BEFORE addint the f-pac. My question to those who USE a steamer is how much if any you add to the carboy when adding the steamed f-pac.
A steamed f-pac is a little different than a regular f-pac.
I have done both and have added pectic and some that I added no pectic. I am looking at what others who use steamed juice what they do.
Trust me I know how to make wine and f-pac's just want to see what others do.
I steamed my elderberries including many green ones although they were destemed, and I am still alive. I noticed that there was no need for a f-pak in the wine. The flavor was very noticable once sugar was added. This wine is absolutely my best yet of about 14 different fruit wines this year.

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