Starting my vineyard

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Finally got out with the camera and took a few pictures.

I had one vine that took a few weeks longer than the others to grow but it soon cought up.

I put temporary wire cages around as we are having deer in the gardens and the deer like a paticular cherry tree I planted.

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I was given a store bought concord vine from a friend and thought I had to plant it but was not sure if I should.

I planted it and it looked pitiful and kept looking worse every day. I tried to buy a grow tube from a couple of vineyards in the area but no one had an extra. I was told to use a milk carton or anything. I didn't like the idea too well but finally found this clear box that my arrows come in. I trimmed all but two vines off and put it in. It has been only a couple of weeks in this box and it has greened up and looking a lot better. I see today it is even growing which I don't think it had since planting.

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Got the trellis up, planted 558 vines and 2/3rd of the grow tubes on. We got rained out yesterday with around 190 tubes to go.

Still have the fence and irrigation system to put in.

Snowing this morning!

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What variety of plum is that?

Sorry, I don't know. I'm not the most organized person in the world! I just bought two trees and stuck them in the ground. It's a miracle they lived. I've learned to do a little better job now. 5 dollar tree, 10 dollar hole.

I tried to get an Amish man to prune my trees and he gave me a scathing for not knowing the variety. He never did come trim them even though I was prepared to pay his fee and provide transportation. We got a few books and am working on them.

We planted more pears, apples, plum, peach, cherry, apricot, paw paw, persimmon, nectarine, along with gooseberries and honey berries this year. Am making a map and going to laminate it with the varieties.
I walked through the vineyard this evening and there are only 3 of the Vidal Blanc that have not leafed out.

Many of the vines have grape clusters on. The ones I planted last year did not have clusters last year. Should I remove the grow tubes and pick the clusters off?
I dont know about the grow tubes, but the clusters should definitely come off
Started removing grow tubes and pruning today. Going a little slow but at least going!

Last October I herniated a disc in my back and had to be operated on and then one week ago I slipped and fell on the ice and broke my tail bone!
Dang you are accident prone! Did you say things are groing already?

No, I didn't say they were growing, I said they were going. In other words I was finally moving a little faster than a snail.

Today I got 121 grow tubes removed and 128 vines pruned. Today was around 30 degrees and the rest of the week is to be in the mid 20's so hope to finish this week.

Removing grow tubes probably is easy for everyone else but I put them on with the bamboo running through the holes. Of course the bamboo it wired to the wire and the vine is taped to the bamboo. Instead of undoing everything I am cutting to remove the tube from the bamboo.

The 550 vines I plant this year, the tubes will just be wrapped around the vine and bamboo, not run through!
Finished removing grow tubes and pruning vines yesterday.

Just in time for the snow last night and this morning!

Upcoming work; build 12 rows of trellis for 550 vines coming in April, put up web wire and electric fence and then finish the irrigation system.

Saved some vine cuttings to try propagating.
Looks fine to me!
