Starting a new wine kit

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Jun 24, 2011
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I'm starting a CELLAR CRAFT SHOWCASE 18 LITER SHIRAZ kit here sometime this week. It calls for adding warm water to add some ingrediants and a total of about 5L's of total water.

My questions is about the water I add. Should I boill the water then let it cool of just add warm tap water?

Being this is the most expensive kit I've made I don't want to screw it up.

Secondly for my 6 gallon glass carboy is there anything I can do to make sure there is nothing inside it that will cause any issues? Its been on the shelf uncovered for mutiple months. I usually use one step cleaner followed by a idophor solution for cleaning but have heard something about using boiling water also?
Your tap water should be fine if you're drinking it, it doesn't have an odor and you're not using a water softner. If you're still concerned you could by spring water at Walmart for about $.77 a gallon. I often times do this. To warm it up I just add some hot tap water in my sink and sit the gallon jugs in there for about 20 minutes and that warm enough. If they are 70* or warmer I don't bother doing that either.

Make up a sanitizing solution with Kmeta and swish that around in your carboy a little bit. Leave solution in it with a solid bung for 10 minutes and you'll be fine.
Is K-meta the same thing as whats in campden tablets? If so do I still follow 1 campden tablet per gallon of water?
Yes it is the same but do not use the tablets for sanitizing. Just my opinion, do your self a favor and quit buying camp tablets. Buy the powder form as it is cheaper to use and dissolve. You would use 3 tablespoons per gallon to make a sanitizing solution.

Instead of using 1 tablet per gallon you would use 1/4 tsp per 5-6 gallon. If I am making small batches of wine I mix 1/4 tsp in 6 oz of water and just add 1 ounce per gallon jug.
My local brew shop doesn't carry potassium metibisulfite. I see I can order it online in 4 oz bags for under $2. The problem is its going to cost me $10 to ship it. So I guess I just have to suck it up then?
You can order it from George at Fine Vine Wines in one pound packages for $5.89. I agree it would not make sense to buy just that. If you have other things you need though, the shipping barely goes up at all. Plus as soon as you register, you will be added to our FVW Grower's Club and will qualify for 10% off regularly stocked items.
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Secondly for my 6 gallon glass carboy is there anything I can do to make sure there is nothing inside it that will cause any issues? Its been on the shelf uncovered for mutiple months. I usually use one step cleaner followed by a idophor solution for cleaning but have heard something about using boiling water also?
Cleaning first, and then sanitizing with iodophor works great.

Boiling water will probably cause the glass carboy to break. If not the first time, then soon. Don't do it.

I use the microwave to warm my water (1 gallon jug) before adding to the primary especially in the Winter.
I also do that Mike when they ask for hot water in the beginning when your dissolving the Benonite. If they want warm water for the other 3-4 gallons in the small mist kits I warm that up in the sink.
Thanks for the link to the K-meta. I ordered it and now am patiently waiting to get it. I opened my kit up last night to just look through it. I was pleasently surprised that they sent labels with it. First time I've gotten that. I'm really excited about making this kit as I'm a big fan of Shriraz and the only other wine I've succesfully made to date is a sweet strawberry wine I made for the wife last year. Here's to hoping I don't mess it up.

One further question though, if you were concerned that a previous batch out of your 6 gallon glass carboy was a little vingeary flavor would you prep that carboy any differently before starting the new wine kit?
Just make sure its rinsed out good before hand. You certainly don't want any trace of Oxyclean or B-Brite or whatever your using to clean it with in the carboy when you fill it. I always triple rinse with about a gallon each time.

I don't clean out my carboys with any cleaner except if there is a stubborn spot on it which is quite rare. I just rinse well with hot water (again triple rinse) then turn upside down to dry, stuff a paper towel in the top to keep the critters out. When I need it, I pour in about 16oz of sanitizing solution, insert a solid stopper and shake it up and make sure the solution covers all the surface at some point. Then let it sit for 5-10 mins with the stopper on while I do something else. Drain well and then rack into it.