Spring Has Sprung!

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Ramona...You must look more forward to coming home now to your own piece of Heaven.....

Beautiful photos...Love the frames.

What is the name of the rose???
Thank you. It is Acapulco...something? I'll have to go back to Home Depot and find out if they have more. I meant to keep the tag but it got thrown away.

Always keep the tags and the receipts...they will replace anything for a year....at least up here those big stores do....they give you a store credit and of course I run right out and get something else....
We have had a few weird showers in the midstof hot and very windy weather for the last week. I was enjoying a glass of wine and the sun was shining, skys were blueand it was pouring rain all of a sudden, no rain clouds in the sky. I just knew there would be a rainbow so grab the camera, went to the back of the house and there it was.

Edited by: rgecaprock
What a shot! A perfect arch over two perfectly matched trees! It's like you set a mirror in the middle and split the one tree in two and put the rainbow over the top. Must be a sign from above that good things are coming- or maybe even here now!
rgecaprock said:
Thank you. It is Acapulco...something? I'll have to go back to Home Depot and find out if they have more. I meant to keep the tag but it got thrown away.


Looks like it would be Acapulco Sunset judging from the images at helpmefindroses.com


Hybrid Teas are so out of our league up here....Some people buy them potted already blooming and grow them as annual flowers, then just toss them in the fall.

Closest thing I have to that is...Morden Fireglow...Closest thing to orange we can grow and hope it survives...Got mine last year and it is alive and growing....


Seems my fanciest [semi-hardy] roses are struggling to recover from winter for the past month...the shrubby Rugosas are coming along fine....

The only rose blooms I have right now are the ones I bought blooming in pots.

So...what exotic beauties have you brought home lately????
Northern, your only hope for the less cold tolerant hybred teas is to heel them in and mulch heavily for the winter. Probably not worth the effort, but the results will amaze your friends.
Did anyone notice that you caught a double rainbow? The second picture has what I can see to be a second albeit fainter/ subtler rainbow.
rgecaprock said:
We have had a few weird showers in the midstof hot and very windy weather for the last week. I was enjoying a glass of wine and the sun was shining, skys were blueand it was pouring rain all of a sudden, no rain clouds in the sky. I just knew there would be a rainbow so grab the camera, went to the back of the house and there it was.</font>

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