Spring has Sprung

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Senior Member
Mar 14, 2006
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Just returned from doing some work on the cabin and this is what I was greeted with this morning as I sipped my coffee.

In the background is the Great Cacapon Mtn. we are on Sideling Hill. I had to use a tree to block the sun but still got a reflection in the glass door. Exactly 1 mile down the road to the right is the river and all the small mouth bass a body could want to catch up two four pounds. People want to know why I'm retiring to such a place

Thought you might like an exterior update. The outside is finished now with the exception of some landscaping. Yes, that is a salt lick in the foreground and the mini spruces near the deck are netted in because our four legged friends will eat anything green that isn't woody.


All interior work done by Pepere aka Grandpa aka Ron aka me! Yes I use the snowshoes!
Very nice, reminds me of my dad's cabin in W.VA. There is a picture of it somewhere here on the forum. I'm so far away I don't get to go very often.....I just got homesick!! Oh here it is!


You are close to W.Va aren't you?Edited by: rgecaprock
Beautiful cabin and setting....must be a pleasure to wake up there and sip your coffee and think about what you want to do during the day instead of what you have to do!
Ramona: W Va? We live on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland right now but, the house is up for sale. The Cabin IS IN WVA!!

Your families place is just beautiful, especially that winter scene. Our Place is not far from Paw Paw WVA and very close to the Maryland line. We can't wait to retire in November and move out there for good. I must admit however we're hanging on to the condo down south should the winters get too bad. Just call me chicken.

This time of year however I hate leaving. Just a few more months to go. I still need to do some work on the interior but, we could move in tomorrow with no problems.
Our family cabin is about an hour from you near Keyser and at the top near Mt. Storm. Dad has 200 acres there. He raises, trout, artic char, honey bees, makes wine. That is the life!!!!

Edited by: rgecaprock
Yes, I know Keyser very well. In fact that was one of the first places we researched about five years ago. It is very near Cumberland MD and we have a number of friends in that area.

He raises, trout, artic char,

Wow! that pond in the pic must be the trout pond. Artic Char can also be called brook trout if I recall at least they are in the Char family. Just love to trout fish. One of my other hobbies is making flyrods. The graphite rods are'nt too bad but it takes me over 100 hours to fashion a split bamboo rod, all by hand but, that's another story all together. Amazing how small the world actually is eh?

He has 3 ponds, one as big as a football field. I really miss it!!

How are you enjoying the wine making and the forum?Everyone here is great and always ready to help with any questions you might have. It's good to have you join us!!!


Keep the pictures coming!!!!
This is a great group to learn from that's for sure. Like I mentioned earlier on another post, it's like getting a Masters degree in home wine making. I have no doubt that by reading many of the posts before I got started it saved me a lot of headaches

At some point I'd love to do a wine from scratch but I think that's down the road for me just yet. I have a chianti and an apple reisling kit coming from Geo later this week. After all, now that I've racked the wildberry shiraz my primary is empty. Pic of shiraz is under another subject.

Great group of folks here. I'm glad I've met you all.
It's hard to stand by and look at an empty primary!!!!

Are you going to the home winemakers conference in Dallas that George has put together for us?

Got me thinking about W.Va. There is a nice lake in Maryland....Deep Creek Lake near Oakland which is about an hour from the cabin. Also some really cool places of interest.....Dolly Sods(my favorite),Seneca Rocks, Smoke Hole Caverns, Greenland Gap, Blackwater Falls, Spruce Knob(the highest point in W.Va.). A fish hatchery in Petersburg.All close by in the area. Great fishing, as you said, for small mouth. I've been on the Potomac, north and south branch fishing. Also, lots of white water.

RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
Yea, Deep Creek was our first choice until we investigated more. Too much noise, too many people, too many jet skis!
Then in the winter you've got the "Whisp" with the snow boarders.

I have fished most of those places you mentioned plus Lost River a little further south. Had a major wreck in a canoe on the south branch a few years back when I was a little younger. Good thing I was a little younger that day.
We didn't break anything or lose anything but the water was very cold and being early spring the air temp wasn't much better. Made for a long cold day once we got everything back on board. I don't remember ever getting dried out that day until we got back to the motel. None the less, it sure is beautiful country up there and the fishing is just great.

Ok, why the hell do I live in Allen, Texas
(yes, I said a bad word) sorry

Ron, I think your cabin is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen (it made me a little teary eyed). We so long to move out of the city (Dallas/FW), and into the country. But, this is where our jobs are and I guess that whole puttin' food on the table is important

Beautiful, just beautiful, congratulations and enjoy!
DJ, There's plenty of space and cheap homes up in North Dakota and Northern Minnesota. Lots of free parking too!
DJ: Thanks for the compliments. We didn't get there over night. Yes, the wife and I both worked in D.C. for many years and lived too near the city for our taste but, putting food on the table and taking care of a family are pretty high on the priority list.

We couldn't really afford to buy such a place so I built it. I had the shell put up and I've done the interior. We're at about 75% finished inside and being a third generation cabinet maker doesn't hurt either as I'm a little bit handy in the wood department. I've always said, if you can invision it, you can make it happen. This has been our dream for a long time. We're fortunate to not be too old to enjoy the move.