Sports and schools

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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this is just a pet peeve on mine. Most of you know I work for a school district, so I see things that is just unbelievable at times.

Sports has taken center stage within school districts. While I am all for these activities, I don't believe it should be considered the reason children go to school. We treat our star athletics as if they are Gods.

Well one of our teacher's son, who was a star athletic going into his sophomore year of college just stepped off a 300 foot high bridge. Why? I am being told because he wasn't getting the position on the football team that he wanted. 20 years old. My heart bleeds for this father.
I feel ya Julie.

My nephwe was a star lacross player. at 20 years of age, he is in rehab, awaiting trial for rape, while awaiting trial for drug distribution. (thats just the Major stuff) He is 20 years old.

My theory is that it was sports. As a star athletic, he felt that he was special and the rules did not apply to him. He had gotten used to getting away with murder.

I am not sure what the solution is here. The can't ban sports all together.
I don't think banning sports is the answer, either but administration can stop giving the star athletics thier coaches as their teacher. And they can start preparing these babies how to deal with the world once they are out of high school. Instead of teacher everything is roses because you are a star, tell them there are life bumps you will have to deal with from time to time.
It goes beyond sports.

We look for answers to some of life's most gripping tragedies, and sometimes we just come up empty. Why a kid jumps off a bridge, why do kids bring guns to school? 37 years ago one of my best friends got up and apparently just decided to take a walk into Lake Michigan. No note, no nothing. The next day his roommate followed suite. I went to two funerals that week and still don't know why. At times like these I am most grateful for the gift of faith in God who does have the answers.
Well i can tell you from experience that in college and even high school - if you are a superior athlete - the faculty lets things slide a little more.

Not that it is right - but when your a kid at 18 - you do take advantage of it. Again not that it is right.

I agree with you julie - bottom line they are all students for a school - they should be treated the same way..
My daughter was a stand out soccer player and as much as I'm going to miss watching the games, I wasn't disappointed that she gave it up because she didn't want to play varsity sports due to the commitment. She like, wanted to LEARN??? What's up with THAT???? ;)