splitting a 5-gal bucket?

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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I just picked up a 5-gallon bucket of honey today. Anyone have any good techniques for dividing it up for batches?

I have a scale that I can hang a primary on in order to weigh out a gallon, but pouring I'm afraid is going to make a big mess. I wonder if the honey will flow through one of the spigots used on primary buckets? If so, I can transfer to a clean primary and then pour out a gallon from the spigot.

Anyway... hoping someone out there has some experience and "tricks" to share.
I would say a little for me, a little for you!!!!!! That should split it up real nice!!
I have bought many gallons of honey and they come in a white plastic containers with a very wide top (like 4'') and I am sure they are used to help pour the honey into them from another container.

If you could get some of these you could warm the honey some in a tub full of water and then transfer tothe smaller containers just by pouring carefully.

I buy my hot sauce bottles from here and they only sell glass gallon jugs and the downside is shipping costs:

wade - if you ever find your waydown myway you can have a little of most everything I have!

Waldo - I'm kinda thinking the same thing, but was hoping someone had already tried it before me.

masta - I was so excited when I came across that site the other day. $12 for a case of four 1-gallon carboys. Yea! I made it half way through the ordering process. The shipping made it more expensive than buying them down the road.

I think warming the pail firstis a good idea and should give me more control in pouring. I wonder if I can find something like an oil can spout...
Sang I hope I find myself down that way someday. Then again I hope I dont have to find myself at all!

Just checked downstairs and I have five empty 1 gallon plastic containers that I saved from honeyandI can ship them to you.....you pay the shipping. It shouldn't be much since they are very light.
masta said:
Just checked downstairs and I have five empty 1 gallon plastic containers that I saved from honeyandI can ship them to you.....you pay the shipping. It shouldn't be much since they are very light.

sweet! Do they have lids?
Of course....I will find a box and let you know the shipping cost.
Your containers shipped this morning so let us know how much you spill trying to fill them!
thanks masta! You da man. I'll have the wife stand by w/ the camera just in case it turns into a phot op.