Southern Heat

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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I am counting on you southern folks to post some kicked up recipes for us here in the north!


3 pounds deer burger

3 -15 ounce cans tomato sauce

3 cans rotel chili fixins

3 cans chili beans

Get a big pot. Brown the meat until it is no longer pink. Add all ingredients and simmer 10 minutes without a lid. Eat.

You know, this is something I could ask someone here. It's not particularly a hot-n-spicy recipe, but I am looking for a good recipe for barbeque. You know, the slop-kind.... The one the southerners make that tastes like... heaven.

And I will only use chicken or pork. I don't like anything else (and those two are kinda low on the list to begin with, but give me some barbeque, and I can forget that I don't like them). Thanks!
Barbeque is only made with pork shoulder or beef brisket. I smoke a whole pork shoulder about once a month in my Cookshack smoker oven. I have my own rub I use with specific spices. The pork normally cooks about 18 hours to 190*F, then I wrap it in double aluminum foil, then towels, then it goes into a cooler for a few hours, then the wife and kids and I all gang up on it and pull it. (shred with fingers) Sometimes we use sauce, but it does not need it. Sometimes we have coleslaw with it. All the time we put it on cheap buns.

So now ya know.

Edited by: Country Wine
brown sugar, salt, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder,ground mustard, cayenne if you want, red pepper flakes if you want, cumin, cloves, coriander, etc......

The first 7 ingredients are, in my opinion, mandatory. The amounts are kinda important too. Also, I like to use olive oil or canola oil or any kind of mustard spread on the meat first.

Any other BBQ questions?
I'm sorry but I not giving my recipe out, but I will give you a good cheater rib recipe. I use this when cooking some times.

Good country ribs ( not too lean but not all fat)

McCormick chile powder

garlic powder

black pepper

Bull's Eye BBQ sauce

The night before cover the ribs in Chile powder good , put as much garlic powder as you want ( I like more). Then black pepper.

The next afternoon start the grill ( charcoal is best) Slow cook the ribs until they are almost done. Then start putting on the sauce. Let cook until sauce is sticky. Then put on more sauce. Keep repeating until a thick coating of sauce is built up. Then serve with more sauce at table incase people want to add more.

HINT: about the 3rd coating of sauce sprinkle on more chile powder.

It is a very good way to have ribs.

Sauce? Grill? Sauce is for covering up a taste you do not like, and real BBQ is made in a smoker with wood.

I didn't divulge my recipe either, just told some of the ingredients, and not how much. Of course, that is just my pork butt rub, there are other yummy smoked meats such as ribs, brisket, poultry, fish, etc.

CW it's as I said it's a cheater recipe. I use it when pinched for time.

Also I like to mix it up sometimes I want dry rub sometime sticky wet BBQ. I think both have their place and no one faction is right on which is best.

I don't make the sticky kind but I do agree with greenbean. My specialty is smoked brisket and the secret is in the marinade and that is as much as you will get out of me.
Marinade, sure, but sauce? I am not being argumentative, I just think real BBQ is kinda sacred.
I can see your on the dry rub side of the fence. I just ride the fence
. I love'em both. 10:46 pm here now and I'm starting to get a craving for BBQ. I know what I'll be doing next weekend now.

CW this sounds like the Formula 1 - NASCAR again.
LOL What kind are we talking about a home made beer or whiskey sauce or some store bought stuff.
It can be used without drowning the flavor of the meat. I don't use it a home but I haven't passed it up at friends.
The best sauce for bad BBQ comes in a 30 pack and has Miller on it. Get 5 of 6 sauces down and the taste of the food doesn't matter too much

Anyone who will drink miller will eat anything lol
When I buy beer it is Budweiser Select Smooth with no after taste.
I have a more expensive taste in beer. With wine, I tend to like the cheaper bottles. Go figger.

I smoked 2 tame rabbits today for the boy and I. 225* for 3.5 hours with apple heartwood and a little salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder. Tender and yummy! They weighed about 2 pounds apiece when done. Mrs. Country is more like Ms. City and she or the girl will not eat bunnies or any wild meat. I thought it appropriate on Easter.
My wife is about the same except when I come to deer meat.

Ramrod I have already tried the new Bud, and It has the same effect on me as other Budwieser products. Have you ever heard the saying

Budweiser The King Of S---S

I like the beer but the beer don't like me. So I will have to stick with Miller.

LMAO well Chris we are just the opposite that is one of the main reasons I drink Bud is no hangover and of course I like the taste, the wife drinks that weak miller stuff but I am still working on her.