WineXpert South African Shiraz Cabernet Shipped Today!

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Has anyone had success with freezing and re-using the grape skins on a future batch. It's seems like a waste to dispose of them
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I did. Couldn't perceive a difference in the finished product compared to the previous. Did an inquiry to WE and was told the skins are done after one soaking, and that I had basically wasted my time.
I did save one in the freezer, with the idea of re-using it in a future, skinless kit. However, in subsequent kits, I started putting a weight into the muslin bag to make it sink. Naturally, I need to cut open the bag to retrieve the weight. I noticed that there is basically only pips left in the bag! There does not seem to be anything of value left.
Has anyone had success with freezing and re-using the grape skins on a future batch. It's seems like a waste to dispose of them

I saved skins left over from my RJS Super Tuscan and just a few weeks ago and used them a second time in an RJS VdV Italy Valpola kit. Judging from a quick taste just before racking for bulk aging I can say it definitely made a positive difference. That's my story and I'm sticking to it... If you don't believe me read the thread titiled "Wine Psychology".
Haven't really been a fan of the WE brand, also still new to this. I have 4 of the RS Winery series bulking up as we speak and this one interested me and only $110.00 from *** had to give it a shot. Man, was I surprised, I just racked this to bulk storage and had a little left over from the racking that I strained out of the bottom of the carboy and it is already tasting pretty good. I added heavy toasted white oak that I make to the secondary and thru clearing, I really am liking the way this is turning out so far. I kept the oak in as I now bulk age for the next year. I'll try it in 3 months to see if the oak needs to be pulled or more added. I was just wondering if any of you have tweaked this a bit and if so how?
Initial SG of WE LR SA Shiraz Cabernet

Have put on three kits over the last 3 weeks of the LE South African Cabernet. All of them came in at 1.072-1.074 for starting SG. Recommended SG is 1.080-1.100, and I would expect that it would be towards the higher end for this weight of wine.
Anybody else have this issue?
Have contacted WE yesterday but no response. May have to chaptalize to get the right balance.
My starting SG was 1.080. Hate it when my kits start at the lower end of recommended starting SG.

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I started mine the other day and was low, but waited a daylight the grape pack in and it came up to around 1.090.

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That's twice that WE grossly overestimated the potential alcohol of a LE with grapeskins kit. They did the same thing with the Nebbiolo last year.
I worked the heck out of the Shiraz Cabernet grapeskin pack and could only get to 1.084. I contacted WE and got the BS about the viscosity of the grapeskin pack (even though I described how I got the goodies out of the pack)
As of the Shiraz Cabernet, I'm done with WE LE with grapeskins.

Just so you know, even though the Nebbiolo came up short on the % alchohol, it has turned into a very interesting wine. I suspect if you chaptalize, you will change the characteristic of the wine...I just left it as is to see if it develops.
There are many posts on the SG of the Nebbiolo, do a search. The grape pack dissolves it's sugars very slowly during fermentation. That causes the SG to appear low but still creates alcohol. I panicked and added sugar thus ended up with a 16 pav.

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There are many posts on the SG of the Nebbiolo, do a search. The grape pack dissolves it's sugars very slowly during fermentation. That causes the SG to appear low but still creates alcohol. I panicked and added sugar thus ended up with a 16 pav.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Wine Making mobile app
I believed that until I bought and made a second LE Nebbiolo. When I made that second one I sanitized my hands, and worked the grapeskin bag until it was just loose skins and seeds (the same method I used to get my Eclipse Lodi Ranch 11 Cab from 1.082 to 1.098 in a couple of hours). I could not get it past 1.086.
I did the same thing with the Shiraz/Cab and could not get it past 1.084.
If you do the math, in order for a start SG of 1.074 all the way to 1.100, you need more than 4 pounds of sugar. add enough water to get it liquid enough to ferment, you'll be at 6 pounds altogether. The grape pack in that kit weighed 6.5 pounds (yep, I weighed it). The numbers simply don't add up. If you have a way of actually measuring ABV after fermentation, I'd like to know how to do it, but I believe my Shiraz/Cab is going to be about 12.5%.
Just racked it for the beginning of the bulk aging phase. Had a hint of cherry in mine, could use a bit more oak, but overall quite pleasing. Any thoughts on it guys and gals?
You can try a Vinometer ( I've never used one. Based on the reviews it might not be ultra accurate (some suggest taking 3 readings and averaging them out).

I have a vinometer and have found it measures about 5% high when I have tested commercial wines. After subtracting 5% the values have been pretty close to the numbers on the bottle.
You can try a Vinometer ( I've never used one. Based on the reviews it might not be ultra accurate (some suggest taking 3 readings and averaging them out).

From an analytical standpoint, a vinometer is an unreliable tool for determining the alcohol content even with a very dry wine. It can give you a rough idea, but its results are subject to things like cleanliness, dissolved CO2, temperature, residual sugar, etc.
I was reading this thread as I started my LE 2013 cab/shiraz kit, and had the same problems. I started at 1.080, but pitched the yeast anyways. On day 2, the SG read 1.080 again, but there was some fermentation starting, so i'm surprised it was not lower. I vigorously stirred the must and squeezed the skin pack several times, and was able to a achieve a reading of 1.09 before I closed it back up.

Follow the directions, and keep squeezing/stirring. The grape skins will continue release sugar as fermentation continues.

I started this kit Saturday. Fermentation took off Sunday vigorously. This morning it was still bubbling happily. This evening it has stopped. Forgot to stir the grape bag yesterday. Should I be concerned? Suggestions?

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No. First one I didn't bother with SG. Have not checked it since start.

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Working the grapes and a stir did the trick . It's perking again. Thanks!

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