Smell Identification

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Jesse Brown

Jan 21, 2019
Reaction score
So this is really tough to do in writing and not in person, but here goes.

The first couple of wines I made, during the 2nd racking, some had an odor that I can only describe as slightly akin to urine. I know, I know. That's terrible. But, I can't think of anything else that closely resembles it. Note that the smell didn't seem to affect the taste so much. I found that the smell of the wine and the taste were very different.

During subsequent rackings, the smell seemed to go away, so I assumed that it was just a natural part of the aging process.

Recently, I bought a bottle of some locally made wine. I noted that there was no date on it. Upon opening, I found that same "urine" smell. Again the taste wasn't so bad (not my favorite, but it was OK). Was this stuff just underage?

I found this same smell in several different batches, each of a different fruit. Seemed like it was more on the lighter colored fruit (satsuma, patate deuce, bronze muscadine, etc.) and not on the darker fruit.

So, was the bottle of wine that I bought just not aged enough? Has anyone else smelled this?