Slight to Moderate Sour Taste

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Aug 16, 2011
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I started a wine from Welchs white grape frozen concentrate. I added 10 cans and topped up the rest with water to make a 3 gallon batch. I began in November, began with a 1.080 therefore I did not add any sugar. I added pectic enzyme, yeast nutrient and yeast energizer added my yeast and it fermented to 1.000 in about two days. I racked added Meta to stabilize. after two weeks I racked off the gross lees again and tasted it. It has a slight to moderate sour taste. I added simple syrup to sweeten but no change. Did I loose this batch or should it be sour being it was a concentrate?

Any suggestions on how to turn this around would be greatly appreciated.

It could be because it is very young. I would have backsweetened by adding a couple more cans of welch's white grape and I would backsweeten to around 1.010.
I just did an acid test and I am about .3% so I added 3 teaspoons of acid blend. The conversion chart calls for 1.39 ounces, which converts to 6 teaspoons or so. So I just added 3 to try before adding more. Am I ok on my calculations and conversions?

Sounds pretty good, there is 6 teaspoons to an ounce, so I think you came close enough, I always like to take another acid test after adding the acid blend.
I just did an acid test and I am about .3% so I added 3 teaspoons of acid blend. The conversion chart calls for 1.39 ounces, which converts to 6 teaspoons or so. So I just added 3 to try before adding more. Am I ok on my calculations and conversions?


I would definitely give it some time. Re-test, taste. Then go from there. Your wine is still very young, which would explain the tartness / sour taste.