Skittle Wine

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I always go by SG. The recipe was not mine so I didn't change any thing in it. I shoot for about 14% give or take with this wine.

Quick question--about to start (106oz of skittles now in my possession!) and was wondering: before I go pick up some grape concentrate, anyone think other concentrates could work? I was thinking of using an apple/cherry concentrate (I have a few cans leftover from summer) instead, but not sure if the grape is essential; if it is I was going to pick up a can of Syrah or Cabernet Sauv.

So I took a bottle of my Skittle to my brother's LHBS (at his request.......after trying it he asked for 3 bottles for him and a few other people). They LOVED it! He has already started making plans for when he starts his batch..........he was asking me what I put in it, etc.
I started my batch; filled the primary to 7 gallons to compensate for the sludge (since the carboy is 6.5 gallons). I used EC-118 yeast, and pitched the yeast after adding the water (only deviation from the recipe posted, all other ingredients were added at the point it was heavily concentrated). A couple notes:

Since the recipe didn't call for Campden tablets at the start, I didn't use any. That seemed wrong to me, but I assume the boiling water used to kill off the preservatives handled that, yeah? Otherwise I'll cross my fingers.

I used a 48oz can of Syrah concentrate instead of the welch's. Though a smaller amount, this led to a starting SG of 1.12 (I also overcompensated with the skittles and undercut the sugar slightly)! Between that and the strength of the yeast, I plan to ferment to dry and have a strong batch (around 17-18% by my calculations), then cross my fingers and backsweeten if necessary, but I think dry will be sweet still.

One last note--the top scum stuff started before I pitched the yeast. I think it started from the pectic acid reacting with the ingredients in the skittles (most likely the hydrogenated palm kernel oil, as it looks like fat residue). Whatever the reason, after cleaning the bowl I used to mix the initial skittle/boiling water, I think it's a really good thing that it forms during fermentation. I plan to skim it off after fermentation starts to slow and continue to until it doesn't form, then transfer to the secondary (and possibly just bulk age from secondary). If it is the oil, hopefully it doesn't turn rancid (though based on the fact that most of you never skim it, it's probably not that big a deal).

Also, once it's done I'm going to try to make skittle skeeter pee. Just because it's fun to say.
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I was not liking the look of the Skittle wine evan after superkleer. Today I put it through a 1 micron filter and you can see the difference. It's a nice looking white wine but I did experiment with some grape skin extact for color but decided I'll stick with the white. It is at 1.014sg and not quiet tasting right to me so I think I'll back sweeten to help bring out some flavor. I am not going to bother with an fpack thinking it will be a nitemare to clear again.


with some grape skin extract...

I'm still trying to figure out that nice red color that David04472 ended with. I'm just waiting to see if it clears on its own.

So far it's not looking good :( for that to happen.
I personally would and did give up on it clearing any better then it did with the super kleer. Filtering did the trick.

I also thought about blending in some Concord for color. I just finished adding 2 1/3 cups of sugar to it to take the wine up to 1.03sg. I'll measure the sg and taste it tomorrow. if it's good I'll bottle if it's too sweet maybe I'll still add Concord.
Finally the Skittle is bottled. The picture in the label is my wife (she loves Skittles) as a young child before they took colored pictures LOL. I named the wine Little Skittles. I added three bottles of wine to the batch for color and taste (Concord, Niagara and Diamond). I ended up with a nice straw color.


Skittles Wine.jpg
I'm not sure I am ready for the mess but this sounds too good not to do. So I am off looking for a Skittles sale.

O/T someone said something about Candy Cane Wine and that sounds really good too. Can you use candy cane's from Christmas?
Absolutely. Buy them after the holidays. They are reall cheap. I bought 30 some dozen last year. Still have many for another batch once we fine tune it.
That is great!! How many do you need for a 5-6 gallon batch (30 dozen)? After Christmas I see them go on sale for a whooping .10 a box. I could make a lot of wine for the next holiday season. :) Or if you could point me to a recipe link that would be great too. Why did yours need fine tuning?

Absolutely. Buy them after the holidays. They are reall cheap. I bought 30 some dozen last year. Still have many for another batch once we fine tune it.
Ooop you were asking about Candy Cane Wine. Some folks made it and loved it. I think I over worked mine and it was best for toilet bowl cleaner. The Skittle was harder to clear but the Candy Canes were a PIA to unwrap.
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O/T someone said something about Candy Cane Wine and that sounds really good too. Can you use candy cane's from Christmas?

No candy canes Dan. The skittle gob hasn't convinced me to make it.
So I think my skittle is stuck, actually; I started it at around 1.13 and a week later it's at 1.10ish. I'm planning on adding some more yeast nutrient tomorrow if there's no real change in the next 24 (unless someone has a better idea). Samples are amazingly good, though!

And Angelina, I've also got 3 gallons of candy cane going right now. I used those giant sticks (3.5 oz, so equal to 7 canes, and straight, so easier to open). Opening the 24 I used took me about ten minutes. It only has the slightest hint of candy cane, though; I'll be adding peppermint extract at bulk aging. Read through the recipe thread for it, as it's a little tricky (and the boiling can be very messy, TRUST me). But, you know, tricky for home winemaking, we're not talking higher math or anything...
Well believe it or not. At this very moment as I peruse this thread. the song on the radio is "I want candy"

This must be a sign.

I kid you not!!!

Too strange, indeed.

What do you think it means?
Thanks grayday for the tips, does the candy cane need any aging or what it's life span is if one cane hold out and not drink it all? I am thinking about getting the candy canes post Christmas and make a batch or two, let it age till next Christmas.
From what I am reading skittles needs 0 aging?

Arcticsid if you find a good deal on skittles let me know ;)
The best deal I have on Skittles is that as long as I keep her in cat food and give her lovings and a warm place to sleep she will always hunt.

I will never be out of fresh meat!! She doesn't forget me either. LOL

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