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Sep 8, 2011
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I guess I will introduce myself since I have recently become hooked on homebrewing. My name is Rhett. I live north of Dallas in a small town called Frisco (those of you from around here should get the sarcasm). I was introduced to homebrewing by a friend of mine at work so Ispent a small fortune getting the deluxe package for making beer. To justifythe expense to my wife, I told here thatas soon as I was done with my first batch of beer, I would make her some wine. So here we are. I'm hooked.

A little about me in bullet points-Love Dallas Stars-Hate Tony Romo and the cowboys in general-Love duck hunting and my Lab, Aggie
Welcome to the forums!

It must be hard to lay low in Big D during football season!
ibglowin said:
Welcome to the forums!

It must be hard to lay low in Big D during football season!

I love it. I love to talk trash to all of my cowboy fan friends.
Welcome to a great forum and this great hobby...[beer and wine making] and remember have fun and enjoy..
Tom Landry retired? Hmmmm . . . That's not the story I heard.

By the way, Rhett, welcome to the forum.
Welcome Rhett from another Frisco resident and I definitely got your remark. I've only lived here 1 year but the constant growth is amazing. I have to assume your are an aggie grad or fan from the dog's name. I'm a Tech grad. Glad to have you.
I grew up in Odessa, Texas and graduated from Permian High School (Friday Night Lights era). I went to College at Tech as well. I now live in Mississippi where its all about Ole Miss and MS State. The bad part is I'm burned out on football. It could drive a man to drink! that I think about it, maybe I should watch a little more as these bottles are starting to add up!