Should I Throw it out and start over

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Sep 8, 2011
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This is my first attempt at making wine. I am new to the winemaking/ homebrew as I have made one batch of beer and had to justify the purchase of all of this equipment to my wife by making her some wine. Lucky for me, she doesn't like the more complex tasting wine and she chose an Apple Reisling from the store. I came home and read the instructions and got started...Simple enough, right?
After the yeast went in and we were well on our way to making it alcoholic, I realized that I was not supposed to add the apple flavoring until the end but I put it in with the grape juice.
I know that the finished product will not have the original apple taste as it was designed but my question is, as stated, should I throw it out? It has been fermenting for 3-4 days and has taken on the smell of a traditional white wine but im not sure what the finished product will taste like.
Thanks in advance for all of your help
You will be alright. Normally it is put in at the end and contains sweetening as well as a bit of sorbate. It will increase the alcohol level a little bit, but only a point or so. Follow the directions from here out, but when they tell you to add thef-pack, you won't have it. You can substitute some simple sugar syrup (2 parts sugar to one part water heated to dissolve and let cool). Add the proper amount of sorbat to stabilize it at that stage, then add the syrup to taste. Ask if you have questions.
+1 to what Rich has said!
Never even think about throwing it out! It can always be saved. Just ask the experts on this forum and you will be well rewarded! And welcome to the finest wine forum on the net!
Thanks guys for the quick response and reassurance. Heres an update.
I checked SG just now and it was 1.03. A little low for the instructions but I went on and fed the yeastand racked it to a carboy.
I will keep ya'll posted throughout the journey. Thanks again
If you feel at after stabilizing it needs more apple flavor you could add some apple juice concentrate as a substitute for some of the simple syrup as some of that apple flavor may burn off during fermentation. Please if you sweeten your wine do it very slowly and taste often as you can always add more sugar but once its too sweet your stuck with it. Also, wine will tend seem sweeter over time as the wines alc. mellows out so if you plan on having this wine around for some time go a little lighter on sweetening then where you think you would like it.
And don't forget to add the pack of Sorbate when the directions call for it if you do end up adding some type of sugar back into the wine to sweeten it.
For those who are interested, I added my clarifying agents and racked this (not so) messed up wine for the final time until I bottle it. I think it will turn out fine as you all suggested. I stopped by the store today and was reassured by George that all would be fine and that a little sugar might be added to sweeten it a bit. So, in the end, I'm glad that I could turn to you all for good advice on my first batch of wine.
While I was there, I picked up a kit for some Holiday Ale that looks fantastic. I hope to give it as Christmas gifts as long as I don't drink too much of it. I came to the conclusion that this place isa lot like the Home Depot in that it doesn't matter if you need anything or not, you can go in to browse but you will always come out with something.
Thanks again everyone, for the help

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