Sg Reading

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Senior Member
Jan 30, 2009
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The must is 66° and the hydrometer says 1.000. Because the temeperature is over 60° I add 1 right? Making it 1.010 or 1.100? I'm a little confused about that. I'm waiting for .998, and I started the kit January 29. Its the RJ Spagnols Pinot Grigio (Vino Del Vida) Thank you!
You just added 10. If this is in the primary its ready to rack. NOT 1.100

Not knowing what stage you are in would also would help.

Read and Follow the directions that tcame in the kit. Each mfg. has a little different directions depending on what chemicals they provide.

Remind us what you did and what stage you are in.
All I have done so Far is add the concentrate, yeast and nutrient in the primary. I have been checking the SG about every other day. It has dropped since Wednesday when it was 1.010.
The kit instructions say 14 days in the primary. I'm not sure I should let it be in there that long though.
The kit says 14 days because all fermentations are different and temp makes a difference. It's good guide. If the gravity is the same for 2-3 days then it probably right. You can not rush wine making. Without knowing how many days in primary i'm not sure. In any case you may be ready to rack into stage 2. Then follow the directions as to when to add the chemicals provided.

Looks good so far.
Thank you. I think I will wait til tomorrow or Sunday and rack it into the carboy. Its still in the box it came in.
Now about my soon to be empty primary...I need to find something quick! I have 2 new kits and 2 new primaries coming Wednesday, that leaves 1 empty. Isn't that a sin of some sort? I am thinking Strawberry Reisling..yummmy!
Just in case you are still wondering, the correct hydrometer adjustment for temp woukld have been from 1.010 to 1.011.
Here is a general temperature correction table. It shows how much to generally add. It isn't correct for all hydrometers, but gives you a general idea how it works. Example:I thought you said it was down to 1.000, so adding .001 you would be at 1.001.

<A name=Hydrometer_Temperature>Hydrometer Temperature Correction Table</A>
<DIV align=center>
<TABLE width=600 =../s_B/bkgd-wmarb.jpg border=1>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Degrees Fahrenheit</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Adjustment to Reading</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">40</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Subtract .002</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">50</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Subtract .001</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">60</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">CORRECT</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">70</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .001</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">80</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .002</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">90</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .004</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">100</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .005</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">110</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .007</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">120</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .008</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">130</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .010</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">140</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .013</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width="50%">150</TD>
<TD align=middle width="50%">Add .015</TD></TR></T></TABLE></CENTER>
Correct, I lost track with all the #'s there as to what it really was.
Thank you for all the help. I checked it this morning and it was .997 so I went ahead and racked it, added all of the stuff the instructions said, degassed, added more, degassed more. Its now in the basement wrapped up in a towel til I can get home and make it its own little blankie.
It will be OK shannon, but next time if it drops that fast and only to that amount, leave it alone for a few more days. It probably was not done. You may have stunned the yeast and not killed it. That could lead towards it beginning in the future a bit more- giving you more bubbles. Fully dry is .990.
I hope I didn't ruin it! I was kind of worried because it dropped so fast. The instructions said .998 and it was right there. I need to learn to be more patient!
You didnt ruin it! Trust me, If i only had a $1 for every person who said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I said, it will be OK. Just a drop that fast says it was still active, so normally just wait another 2-3 days to let it go as low as it wants.
I was trying to post a picture of it but the only camera I know how to use is on my phone and the pictures are too big to post. I'm trying to resize them. It looks good though! My husband got really interested when he found out there were power tools involved in that part and did it for me while I was getting ready for work. Its already starting to clear up. I can't wait to start kits #2 and 3 on Wednesday!
And when you bottle your wine you will find "friends" coming out of the woodwork.

Is your hubby a wine drinker? If not thats great because it's MORE for you !!
Here is a free Windows resizing tool. Once you download it right click on your picture and click on resize.
<t></t><table style="table-layout: fixed;" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><t><tr><td rowspan="4" valign="top">

<td valign="top"></span>
<td valign="top" height="150">

<div style="overflow: auto;"></span></span>

Here is the image re-sizer and it works great but only with Windows XP and not Vista</font>.
Depending on the size of the original picture determines weather you
have to resize to large, medium or small to get below the 150 kb size
limit for posting. </font>
If you are running Windows Vista here is a image resizer that works like the one for XP.</font></font>

My husband is a wine drinker, but not like I am. He is a good carboy mover,too. I have had all kinds of offers from customers in the bike shop. It was really surprising, because the area is very conservative LDS. I have one of my best customers saving bottles for me and in return he wants to come over when its time for bottling. He wants to start making 1 gallon batches now. I told him to come here to learn how.
Friends are the best supply of empty wine bottles. Get ready to make many more kits as your wine will just disappear overnight.

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